Chapter 8- Besides Chocolate, You're My Favourite

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     Camila padded back to class through the empty corridors, feeling slightly exhausted. All the adrenaline had tired her out. You know that feeling? When your head is heavy, your body is covered in small beads of sweat and parts of you are slightly sore. For Camila, her plump lips were swollen and tender, and her neck was tingling in the areas where Lauren had loved. She didn't even look at her reflection... she didn't want to. Her hair was a tangled mess due to the green-eyed girl's hands lacing through them, and her clothes were slightly crumpled and lip-sided, where Lauren had tugged and slid beneath them, desperate to come into contact with the smaller girl's body.

        Eventually, she arrived back at the Chemistry laboratory, and shuffled gently back in, casually handing Miss Lovato the bathroom pass and wandering back to her seat, however, to her surprise, several heads were staring at her with expressions of pure shock on their faces, and a few people turned to each other to whisper and giggle. What was wrong with her? Was there something on... on her face. With a quivering hand, Camila used her index finger to gently wipe the side of her mouth, and felt her heart sink when she noticed a crimson red stain appear on the top of her finger. Lauren's lipstick. She was covered in it. The whole area from her nose to her chin, and parts of her neck were completely smudged with the scarlett colour. Blushing furiously, she licked the back of her hand and scrubbed furiously at her face, as Miss Lovato rolled her eyes and continued to teach the lesson.

          Not long later, a familiar voice hissed from behind her. Crap. She had forgotten Lucy was in this class. Ugh... where were her friends when she needed them? Oh, that's right, they were in Biology with Lauren!

          "Looks like you got in a sticky situation on the way to the bathroom!" Lucy hissed, however, Camila pretended to have not heard her, and continued watching Miss Lovato's dull lesson on ionic bonding. "You and Lauren, was it? You little slut... you just can't keep yourself away from her. Desperate much?" The angry whispers continued, however, Camila didn't bother to turn around, and simply flicked Lucy a quick middle finger over her shoulder. That shut her up!


That night, Camila lay for hours gazing up at the ceiling above her, simply replaying the ten passionate minutes she had spent with the girl of her dreams over and over and over. The firm press of Lauren's soft lips, the way her cool hands explored the bare skin on her torso, and the gentle pressing of Lauren's weight on her body... total domination. Suddenly, her phone gently buzzed and she smiled when she realised that the group chat with her friends was buzzing excessively.

[1:32AM, Dinah Jane]- Camila Cabello you better reply right now and tell us the juicy gossip! Why have you been avoiding us all day!?

[1:32AM, Mani]- Dinah's right! And Taylor Swift told me that you came into Chemistry class covered in lipstick and a hickey!

[1:34AM, Ally]- A WHAT now!? Girls, I am tryna get my beauty sleep and you wake me up for... this!? Mila, you got a hickey!? Oh lord, I am gonna cover your nasty ass in holy water...

[1:35AM, Dinah]- A HICKEY!? Omg my baby Mila is all grown up<3

[1:35AM, Mani]- I think she's asleep guys... :(

[1:37AM, Dinah]- Yeah... or her and Lauren could be going at it ;)

[1:37AM, Ally]- Dinah Jane!!

[1:38AM, Dinah]- Sorry Mama Hernandez!! <3

[1:43AM, Mila]- Hey guyzzzz

[1:44AM, Dinah]- Omg Cheecheeeee, tell us what happened, girl!

[1:46AM, Mila].... ;)

[1:48AM, Ally]- Did you kiss!?

[1:48AM, Mani]- Did you make out!!!

[1:49AM, Dinah]- Nevermind that! Did she f*** you!!!?

[1:49AM, Ally]- Dinah!! It's gonna be you getting covered in holy water in a minute!!

[1:52AM, Mila]- No guys... you're all wrong. It turns out I am straight. I went to the hallway and my ex-boyfriend Austin was there and basically we made out and yeah... I am as straight as a flagpole.

[1:56AM, Ally]- Well that took a turn...

[1:59AM, Mani]- Omg, Camila, I don't know what to say...

[2:01AM, Dinah]- Hahahahhaah, good one Camila! Chill guys, I can tell when she is messing with us!! Tell us the truth now!

[2:02AM, Mila]- Fine, Dinah, you got me ;)

[2:04AM, Mila]- Well, basically, I met her in the hallway and suddenly she dragged me into this tiny, quite digesting actually... janitors closet. It was quite dark, but at the same time... I could see her red lips and pale skin. Anyway we just made out... hard. She was so passionate and I ended up moaning so loud...

[2:05AM, Dinah]- THEY GROW UP SO FAST!!! :(((((

[2:06AM, Mila]- So anyway, she left me at the end of it was like a Hollywood movie. Stupidly, I didn't bother to check my appearence so when I got back to Chem I looked like a wreck!!! And I'm sure everyone knew..

[2:07AM, Mani]- I'm happy for you, girl! But wait... isn't Lucy in your Chemistry class? What did she say!?

[2:07AM, Mila]- Yeah... she was just whispering as always... it was quite hurtful actually....

[2:08AM, Ally]- That nasty ass bitch!

[2:10AM, Dinah]- Ally! Now it's you who needs the holy water!! ;)

Camila chuckled to herself at her friends' playfulness, however, her heart suddenly started thumping wildly when she noticed a banner for an 'anonymous' text at the top of her screen. The last time she had one of those... it was Lucy. She prayed that this night wasn't going to turn into an episode of 'Pretty Little Liars' again. With a shaky hand, she opened the text.

[2:10AM, Anonymous]- Can't stop thinking about your soft lips and cute, little moans baby... thanks for the best Valentine's Day ever <3


Author's Notes- Awwww! A bit of fluff finally! Don't worry, I know this story is full of angst so I like to add fluff and comedy here and there! How did you guys enjoy this texting format? It was a little different- I thought it would be good to experiment! Any feedback would be great! More chapters coming soon....
Em <3

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