Chapter 7- There's someone in the Janitor's Closet

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10am could not come fast enough. Camila counted down the minutes... second... milliseconds with pure anticipation as she waited to excuse herself from Chemistry for a bathroom break, and meet Lauren on the second floor. What was she planning? Her veins buzzed with exhilaration at the very prospect of Lauren planning something for her.
         When 9:57 finally ticked around, after Camila glancing at the clock for the a millionth time that hour, the small girl adjusted her hair, shot her hand up and grabbed a bathroom pass.

        "Do I look okay?" She mouthed to Dinah as she quickly walked out of the classroom, and the Polynesian girl replied with an excitable nod.

          The small girl made herself down what felt like endless corridors and flights of stairs with her heart drumming in her chest. She didn't know what was worse... being surprised, or being anticipant. Camila apprehensively turned a corner, fluffing up her hair once more, when she finally laid eyes on Lauren. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a pair of tight, blue jeans and a white Lana Del Ray t-shirt, which hung loosely beneath a sexy, leather jacket. As the small girl nervously drew nearer, she noticed crimson, red lip stick upon Lauren's plump mouth, and the older girl's dark, wavy hair was flowing like a silky waterfall down her back. Camila didn't know what to do. Lauren was simply leaning against a locker halfway up the corridor, staring down at her hands and picking the black polish on her fingernails. God... she looked so hot! A small, nervous cough escaped Camila's throat, and Lauren's head darted up, her emerald, twinkling eyes wide with excitement.

"Camila... you came." She breathed in a raspy, hushed tone, stepping closer to the small girl, whose face flushed magenta pink.

"Of... of course I did." Camila stammered. "Lauren... why... why did you want me to come? Do you..." But before she could finish her sentence, Lauren stuck out a long, slender finger and pressed it firmly against Camila's trembling lips, cutting her off mid sentence.

"I know how you feel about me, Cabello... I've known for years. I know that you want this as much as I do." Lauren whispered, her hot breath tickling Camila's ear.

"Want what?" Camila managed to mumble, her mouth still trapped by the older girl's pressing index finger.

Suddenly, Lauren removed her hand from Camila's shaking mouth, and wrapped it around the smaller girl's wrist, tugging at it impatiently, until Camila suddenly felt herself being dragged to the side of a corridor. She heard a click of a door, and before she could register what was happening, Lauren had firmly shoved her into a janitors cupboard, locking the door behind them. The green eyed girl's breathing was heavy, and she snakes her arms around Camila's waist and held the small girl close to her body.

"Ever since we kissed on the field... I just can't get you out of my brain, Cabello." Lauren sighed, her words were hot and heavy in the dim light of the stuffy closet. Something about the way Lauren called her by her last name made Camila... aroused. She felt her groin tingle. The small girl felt as if she was about to explode, questioning whether she was dreaming, when suddenly, she felt a pair of strong, yet soft at the same time, lips press against her own, and she was suddenly forced against the wall, banging her leg on a bucket.

Fireworks exploded in Camila's heart as her lungs collapsed inside her. Was this real? Lauren was kissing her with such passion... there was no way this was a dream. It was Camila's turn this time to have her hands in Lauren's hair, and she felt her whole body buzz as she laced her fingers through her silky locks, and Lauren's tongue slipped between her own trembling lips. It was warm, wet, sweet. It was a kiss like no other, and she didn't want it to end. The older girl's weight pressed against Camila, and suddenly, the small girl moaned as Lauren's lips parted from her own, and the green eyed girl planted a series of wet kisses along Camila's neck, and her hands travelled downwards to gently squeeze the smaller girl's buttocks.

"Camz... you're so fucking adorable." Lauren moaned, lifting her head briefly, before returning to bite gently at Camila's flushed neck. Camz. The name lingered in the air for a few seconds, and Camila's heart pounded even faster, if that was humanly possible. Lauren's hands were exploring. They were cool, and soft, gently sliding up her shirt and beneath her bra. Camila couldn't stop high-pitched moans of joy escaping from her lips, as Lauren's mouth returned to hers, and their tongues mingled once again. "Do you like it when I... dominate you, little Camz?" Lauren whispered, suddenly breaking their kiss to hold Camila's hot, fuzzy head in her cool hands and gaze at the expression of lust and pure pleasure on the smaller girl's face. Camila nodded... she couldn't speak. She couldn't form words. She just wanted Lauren... every inch of her. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby." Lauren finally said, and placed one last softer, more tender kiss on Camila's now swollen and slightly bitten lips. "We have to go... but we must meet like this again... very soon." The taller girl breathed, her green eyes piercing straight through the smaller girl's soul, and with that, she suddenly turned, and to Camila's surprise, walked straight out of the door, leaving the small girl alone, panting and trembling with pure glee amongst the buckets and mops.


Author's Notes- Goaaaaaaaaaals, am I right? Oh my god I am jel of Camila rn!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter my lovelies! If you did please vote and comment! Love you all!

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