Chapter 10

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Chapter 10~ special someone

Kendra's POV

Jaymi walks in and I immediately ask her, "how did it go? Is he ok?"

She smiles at me and says, "he was really upset when I said it was just a nightmare," I frown. She continues, "but soon after was very happy." I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "I told him that you love him."

Why did she do that? I mean, I do love him. More than anything. But what if he doesn't love me the way I love him? What if he's just like all the other guys I thought I loved? I can't be heartbroken. Not again.

She notices that I'm not happy and says, "he loves you back, KK. I don't think he's like the others. He loves you more than anything! And I know that you love him more than anything also!"

"What if he hurts me though?" I ask, still not convinced.

"You have Mikey and I for that. We're going to protect you." Once she said this, I jumped up and into the main room.

I don't bother making small talk with any of them. All I say is "where's Luke?" and everyone points to the room in the way way back. "Thanks." And with that, I take off running to the back.

I go into the room that is right beside JJ and I's. I see Luke laying on his stomach, small sniffles coming from him. Why is he crying?

I walk over to him and lay down on my stomach next to him. "What's wrong?" I whisper.

Luke's POV

I heard everything she said. She didn't mean emotionally hurt. She meant physically hurt.

I can't believe that someone would even dare to hurt her. I want her to know that if I were to date her, I would never do that. Never.

I hear someone walk in and lay down beside me. I don't move my head from my pillow. Then I hear her voice, that beautiful voice, whisper, "what's wrong?" my heart skipped a beat from the concerning tone in her voice.

"N-nothing" I stutter, wiping off any evidence of me crying.

"You don't need to hide from me. There's nothing to be ashamed about. Especially about crying. It's ok, you can look at me." She continues to whisper.

I look into her beautiful blue eyes, down to her lips, and back to her eyes. She leans in, and we lock lips.

When we pull apart, we're both smiling big. "I love you" I say.

She looks down and her smile slowly disappears, then says, "no, you don't. You're just saying that 'cause I'm a sad case. Well I don't like pity. Don't tell me something just 'cause it's what I want to hear." She shakes her head and laughs bitterly, still looking down.

"Hey, that's not true. Look at me," she looks up and I continue, "I love you. I really do. If you were mine, I would never hurt you. Never ever. You're someone that's very special to me. Can I ask you a question?"

She nods as if to say 'go on'

"Will you be my girlfriend, Kendra Rae Smith?" I ask.

She smiles her gorgeous smile and says, "yes! I'd love to!"

She gives me a huge hug. She backs away from the hug and is about to get off the bed when I say, "what no kiss?" That makes her giggle and pecks my lips. Before she can pull away, I grab her by her waist and bring her on top of me. One of her hands at the nape of my neck, the other getting her fingers lost in my hair.

I don't know how long it's been but someone clears their throat and when we don't pull away, they say, "we're at the arena now. Time for sound check."

We pull apart, smiling at each other.

Without looking away from Kendra, I answer, "yeah. I'll be right there."

They leave. I get off the bed and before Kendra can get off, I squat in front of her. She starts laughing and in between her laughter, she asks, "what are you doing?"

"Can I not give my girlfriend a piggy back ride?" I ask back, trying to control my laughter.

She hops on my back, kisses my cheek, and says "yes, you can. But, don't expect me to give you one."

I swear, we're little kids by heart. Even though we're both 17.

I walk off the bus and start walking towards the arena but notice some paparazzi. Kendra must've noticed also because she hides her face on my back.

When we get closer people start yelling questions at me, trying to get my attention.

"Who is she?!"

"Is that your new girlfriend?!"

"Stop hiding your face sweety! we're going to get information about you soon!"

With that last comment I feel her tense and slowly lift her head.

"There she is! What's your name?!"

They really need to stop yelling. I know how much she hates it.

She brings her lips to my ear and whispers so only I could hear, "I'm going to snap soon. Hurry up."

I make sure I'm holding onto her tightly and start running towards the doors of the arena, instead of just walking.

We get inside and I set her down gently on the ground.

I grab Kendra's hand and start walking towards the stage.

Once Jay sees Kendra, she runs up to her and tackles her in a hug.

They let go and I'm still holding Kendra's hand, fingers intwined.

She's finally mine. I can finally say that, Kendra Rae Smith, my baby, is mine.

She is my one and only special someone.

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