Chapter 5 ~ The Night Before Departure

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The village meeting ended shortly after the women's excitement died down.

The sun which had set quite a while ago, didn't left the land in total darkness.

The moon along with other countless stars that decorated the night sky provided ample illumination for people to walk around outside.

Leon, venturing out to take break outside, stared at the starry night above him.

Leon had never seen such bright night sky in his entire life.

Everything he had ever experience was all in an urban city where the pollution covered the sky and the city lights outshined the stars.

The only thing he could see in the night sky before was utter darkness.

He rarely saw the moon as he was always working in a large building in the middle of the city.

Even during his rare "vacations", he would lock himself inside an office and created drafts of plans for the next 5 years for all the companies under him.

Thus, he was now, for the first time, appreciating the beautiful starry night, more mesmerizing than any box of jewels he had ever seen.

As he went into a daze, he noticed footsteps coming from behind him.

It sounded like a person's footsteps and was a little on the light side.

After a while, the footsteps stopped.

Leon, wondering who it could be and for what, spoke out to the person.

"Who is it?"

A sudden rustle could be heard right after he spoke his piece.

"Uhm... I'm sorry for disturbing you."

A clear voice of a young girl came out from the direction of the rustle.

"Hmm? Oh, the one from before."

Immediately recognizing this voice, Leon used a gentler tone to not make her uncomfortable.

"Shouldn't you be resting? Although I healed your wounds, you must be tired from the battle earlier. And also, we should be heading out pretty early in the morning. You should have some rest soon."

"Ye-yes, I understand. But before that, would you please tell me your full name?"

The girl fidgeted slightly and blushes as she asked her question.

My full name huh...

Leon despised his family name. Specifically, he despised the name "Riveria". It was the name of his father's company which used to chain him down like a dog.

He used Leon like a tool just to increase the company's revenue, forcing him into a world of lies.

The world that twisted him and made him into what he was today.

That was why he decided to throw away the accursed name and named himself...

"Leon... Leon Misteltein"

He smiled as he gave her the name he felt comfortable using.

The girl looked at Leon with wet eyes and looked down while quietly repeated his full name over and over with voice full of affection.

A moment later, as if realizing something, the girl looked back up to Leon and introduced herself.

"M-my name is Lily Verandi. I'm 18 years old, turning 19 later this year."

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