Character Sheet

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AN: Here's the character sheet I promised XD! These images I got from google so there maybe some difference from the description I gave, but it's close enough :D. This week's first chapter will be uploaded a few hours from now, and the second chapter might be delayed because I spent a lot of time with the character sheet >_<   Please look forward to it~

Name: Leon Misteltein

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Name: Leon Misteltein

Age: 20

Job: Adventurer

Level: 100

Title: [The Man Blessed by Goddess] [Savior] [Hero]

Hair: Black

Eye Colour: Red

Height: 170cm

Weight: 65kg


Studying and researching things he didn't know about

Thinking of a plan to turn the tables on his opponents

Talking and laughing with his friends


Untrustworthy people

Greedy people


People who don't think of consequences

Troublesome people

HP: 285 950 / 285 950

MP: 210 260 / 210 260

PHY ATK: 28 055 (+9750)

PHY DEF: 24 580 (+7580)

MGC ATK: 25 800

MGC DEF: 23 250 (+6850)


Misteltein (+9750 PHY ATK, +80 STR, +40 AGI, +30 DEX, Special Ability: Disturb HP Recovery)

Overcoat of Endless Night (+7580 PHY DEF, +6850 MGC DEF, +30 STR, +45 VIT, +50 AGI, +30 DEX, +25 INT)

Strength: 245 (+110)

Agility: 230 (+90)

Dexterity: 225 (+60)

Intelligence: 240 (+25)

Vitality: 235 (+45)

Status: [Divine Blessings]



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