Chapter 7 ~ The City of Lingenia and The Adventurer's Guild

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Making their way towards the town of Lingenia were three wagons.

A larger wagon which led the group was carrying three people and several bushels of wheat.

The three people were a middle aged man driving the wagon, Leon and Lily.

In order to fit the wheat, Leon and Lily were forced to sit closely to each other to the point of their shoulders touching.

Leon had no problems with it since it couldn't be helped.

Lily on the other hand was burning. All throughout this journey, she was unable to control the beating of her heart, much less calming it down.

Her face grew hotter and hotter as time goes by.

And every time the wagon shaked, their shoulders touched even more, making her even more embarrassed.

The young men driving the wagons behind them noticed how they were stuck so closely together and sent him stares of envy.

Although Lily didn't notice this, Leon noticed it but took it as them worrying about Lily who needed to endure being in such a tight space.

What took Leon's attention is the heat Lily is exerting from her shoulders.

Worried that it might be a fever due to the fatigue of yesterday's battle, Leon proceeded on asking Lily if she's fine.

"Hu-Huh! I-I'm fine."

Not convince by the stuttering Lily telling him she's fine, he took action.

"Excuse me for a little bit."

Lily, confused by his words, lowered her guard. Not knowing what about to happen would make her much more embarrassed than she ever had.

Leon brought his face closer to her's and brushed away her bangs from her forehead.

Lily, not knowing the intention of his action, started panicking and began guessing a reason for his action.

D-D-D-Does he wants to kiss me!? It's too early! My heart isn't ready yet! B-But if it's Leon then...

Lily, shaking in embarrassment, closed her eyes and raised her face so Leon could easily kiss her.

As she waited in anticipation, she felt a small thud on her forehead.

Confused, she opened her eyes slowly to find out what just happened.

What she saw is Leon's face very close to her and their forehead touching each other.

Still confused, Lily froze from being in such close proximity with Leon.

After a while, Leon separated his forehead from Lily's after completing his goal.

"You are a bit hot as expected. You should rest during the rest of the journey as much as possible. It would be bad if you catch a fever."

Lily snapped out of her daze after realising Leon's intention.

Although he was merely checking her temperature, Leon's method of doing so still causes Lily to be very self conscious.

Lily nodded her head even though she knew that the cause of her raise in temperature was not due to fever, but due to Leon himself.

Lilly sighed in disappointment after realising Leon's true intention and decided to try and calm down for the rest of this journey.


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