Chapter 17 ~ Magic Archer

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The forest was usually a quiet place with only rustles of leafs due to gently blowing winds and occasional voices of animals and monsters.

Recently though, noises of little explosions and occasional surprised screams joined in nature's music.

The noise originated from a young girl in her teens practicing magic. Needless to say, the name of the young girl was Lily.

Today too, Lily was practicing magic control in the forest accompanied with her friends, Mia, Rafael, Charlotte and Leon.

However, in addition to Lily practicing her magic, Leon was going to show her what a Magic Archer is.

As its name imply, magic archers utilised magic in order to enhance their bow techniques.

There were various advantages to being a magic archer.

Firstly, there was no need to buy arrows. Magic archers used magic arrows which could be created as long as they still have mana, the source of magic.

Secondly, magic archers were able to make short work of monsters with high physical defense. Their magic arrows could go through physical defense as if there were none in the first place.

Lastly, there was a wide variety of spells which could be utilised by magic archers in various situations.

Naturally there were also disadvantages.

Magic archers needed to learn both magic and archery, thus they were not as good in archery or magic compared to people who chose to concentrate on one. In Grandeur Fantasia, they would need to balance AGI, DEX and INT statuses whereas normal archers would only need to go for AGI and DEX.

In this world, they would also need good control of their magic in order to create arrows while in combat.

Lastly, items which bestowed high magic resistance or monsters who had natural high magic resistance could highly reduce the damage output dished out by magic archers.

Leon had explain the advantages and disadvantages of being a magic archer to Lily. However, Lily who was still a beginner in magic, still aspire to be a magic archer.

She had seen the limits of regular archery in the form of her arrow getting deflected after hitting the hide of the dark wolf they encountered a few days ago.

And also, being able to use the same technique as Leon felt like it would bring her closer to him.

Such was the thinking process of Lily, the young maiden in love.

A few minutes after Lily took her break from her magic control training, Mia asked Leon to show them what a magic archer is.

In this world, there was no such thing as magic archers, mainly due to majority of the people who could use magic would aim to become magicians.

In response to her demand, Leon took out a longbow from his <<Inventory>>.

A crimson longbow with a tinge of dark radiance appeared in Leon's hands.

The Divine weapon used by Borealus, Leon's archer character. It's name was <<Tiamat>>.

Its shape reminded onlookers of a draconic bow and its existence inspired fear, respect, and awe to allies and enemies alike.

Lily, Rafael and Mia gasped at the sight of Leon's bow.

Charlotte, being Leon's player assistant back in Grandeur Fantasia, was unfazed as she had seen it.

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