Chapter 45.2 ~ Elemental Foxes

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AN: Hope you enjoy the chapter~~~ 

"It's over. Is everyone okay?"

"I'm fine~ But it ended faster than I thought."

As Mia was saying that, Leon store the ogre's corpse into his <<Inventory>>.

"Leon, did you check its status with Examine? What class is this ogre?"

Rafael asked Leon since he also shared Mia's feeling.

"I did. It's disaster class."

"D-Disaster class? But we defeated it so easily..."

"It just means that we are becoming more powerful. Your magic arrows were worlds apart from the one you created the first time, Lily."

"That's right. Your magic has improved a lot!"

Lily's eyes were wide open. She knew that her magic has improved since then, but she didn't realise how much it improve. She was really happy after realising it and hearing Leon and Mia praise her. Even by a little, she manage to become closer to Leon and be able to help her friends.

"Rafael, your sword art has also improved! It's faster and stronger now."


Alex also praised Rafael. Compared to before, Rafael's movement and strength had improved quite a bit since he first spared against Alex.

"Freya, are the cubs okay?"

"Yes, they're okay. But they're still unconscious. What should we do, darling?"

"... We really can't just leave them here. Let's bring them with us, at least until they wake up. Is everyone okay with that."

Everyone else nodded. They've realised it for a while but they didn't paid attention to the uncommon color of the fox cubs fur. One of the cubs was pitch black and the other was snow white. Leon used examine on them to find out what they were.


Name: Elemental fox

Level: 5

HP: 3580/3580

MP: 4250/4250

Strength: 5

Agility: 9

Dexterity: 8

Intelligence: 12

Vitality: 4

Status: Unconscious


"Mia, do you know what elemental foxes are?"

"Elemental foxes? Oh, they're mythical magic beasts that could use high level magic... Wait... Don't tell me. Are they elemental foxes?"

"It seems so."

Rafael were also visibly surprised but Lily, Freya and the others weren't as surprised as they were confused. It seems they didn't know what they are.

Monster and magic beasts were similar. They were both creatures or beasts that could manipulate mana and use magic.

However, one of the differences was in their hostility against humans and other races. Monster were incredibly hostile to mankind and magic beasts and would attack them either for food, show of power, or fun.

Magic beasts normally hold zero hostility towards humans and other races and behaved like normal animals. However, if they were attacked, they would be more dangerous than normal monsters.

The reason for that was because of their intelligence. They were intelligent enough that they could grasp the enemies' strategy and defeat them without any trouble.

In addition, most mythical beast could understand human or other races' languages. Even if they couldn't speak, they could grasp intentions of the other party.

"Are they that rare?"

Lily asked Mia as she stared at the sleeping white and black fox cubs.

"Of course they are! I've seen a lot of magic beast but it's the first time I've seen an elemental fox. Not to mention, there's two of them now."

Mythical magic beasts were considered the top rank of magic beasts. Ancient dragons, sea serpent, and elemental foxes were such creatures.

Most humans do not live long enough to see such creatures, or if they did, they would be considered incredibly lucky. Even most long lived races such as the elves had never seen a mythical magic beasts.

"Then we better conceal their species from other people."

"I agree. Who knows how many people would kill to get their hands on them."

Rafael agreed with Leon.

"Then why don't you contract them as your familiar?"

Mia said as she looked towards Leon.

"Is that possible?"

"There's a magic scroll called <<Taming>> that could tame an animal with a low chance. It has an even lower chance to tame a magic beast. A high leveled magician has a higher chance of taming it but there's only a few magicians that actually succeed. That said, although I don't know if you can do it or not, I think you of all people should be able to."

It was as Mia said. The reason why it has a low chance was probably due to the caster's level. Although Leon was confident that he could do it, he didn't want to forcefully tame them.

"I see. But it will depend on them if they want to become my familiars or not. I won't force them if they refused."

"Alright, then let's get back to the road and hurry to the capital!"

Mia followed by the rest of Crimson Lightning returned to their carriage and continued their journey towards the Royal Capital. The two still unconscious cubs were placed on top of Mia's and Freya's lap. It seems that they, along with Lily, Charlotte and Vyra, took a liking towards them and took turns taking care of them. 

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