Chapter 86.1 ~ Housewarming Party

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AN: Been having a slightly hard time to express my thoughts into my writing. Is this some kind of  slump, or because there are many subplots I wanted to include in this arc that it makes it harder to write? Well, I'll be doing my best and I hope I got into my groove back soon. Enjoy~~~~~

A luxurious carriage, adorned with the kingdom's symbol, the fleur-de-lis, traveled through the high-noble's district of the royal capital.

They were escorted by a squad of armored knights on armored horses. It was easy to infer from their looks that the armors these elite royal knights wore were incredibly high quality.

They're strong, tough, yet lighter than average armor. In addition, they're also enchanted with magic, enhancing their defense against physical attack and magical attack even further.

Of course this level of armor was incredibly expensive. Only the best blacksmiths and armorsmiths could accomplish such feat, and even then, the materials used to forge them were incredibly hard to acquire.

However, these knights were the sword and shield of the royal family, the heart of the kingdom. Thus, the expense spent on their equipment was far from wasted.

This was the third carriage that traveled through this route. Behind them was another carriage which carried the servants of the royal family to aid them in this party. Although there are servants in the mansion, bringing their own personal maids and butlers was a norm even for nobles.

They were all similarly escorted by elite knights of their respective households and they were travelling towards the same destination. It was the mansion gifted by the kingdom to the heroes who saved the nation and the princess.

As they were about to arrive, they could immediately feel the presence of a magic barrier, and it wasn't just any ordinary barrier. It was an incredibly sensitive and strong barrier, even stronger than the one used in the royal treasury.

This kind of barrier is meant for the last bastion of defense in order to prevent any intruders from invading the protected place. However, they could already feel its presence even though the mansion isn't even in sight yet.

Julia, Verand and their families who were only a little bit ahead of the royal family were all perplexed by this. They were all skilled and knowledgeable in magic, and thus they were able to recognize the power and intricacy of the magic used to make this barrier.

And as they came nearer to Crimson Lightning's mansion, they went through numerous other layers of magic barrier, each even stronger than the last.

All the knights also felt the presence of what seemed to be a nigh invincible barrier. However, rather than intimidating, they were solely awed by its strength. They felt a sense of security. They truly believed that no matter what monster or disaster come their way, this will protect them.

They didn't feel like they're going towards a mansion. They felt like they're going towards a divine plane, a holy ground.

As soon as the royal family arrived, the gatekeeper immediately opened the gate, allowing the carriage to enter the premise. Since they were previously hired in the castle, the guards and gatekeeper were used to welcoming important nobles, especially the royal family, and were able to act appropriately.

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