Chapter 43 ~ Morning Training

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AN: So umm... Despite being in my test week, I started a new series. It won't be uploaded until I'm sure I can continue it but yea... Well, Hope you enjoy this chapter~ XD

It has been a day since Crimson Lightning left Lingenia and were on their way towards the royal capital of Arcland, Arcadia.

On the first night, Leon and the others were discussing about the sleeping arrangements. Normally, they would sleep on the carriage or set up tents on the ground. However, although the carriage lent to them could fit eight people, it didn't allow all eight to lay down and sleep comfortably. They could sleep while sitting down but since it was incredibly uncomfortable and left it as a last resort.

Because that was the norm and they've never knew someone who has <<Inventory>>, most of them didn't realise until Leon suggest that they could just set up a camp on the ground near the woods.

Leon had bought several tents since he expected to travel long distance. Since his player assistants will also join him, he had to buy more than one tent since one of them could only fit two or three people at most. In addition, there was a need to separate the tents by gender, though that point was debated at length by Freya last night. In the end, since there were four tents, it was decided that Lily would sleep with Mia, Rafael with Alex, Freya with Vyra and Leon with Charlotte.

Freya had complained since she wanted to sleep with Leon but since he considers Charlotte his sister, it would be better than sleeping together with Freya. Charlotte was happily clinging on to Leon knowing that they would sleep together while Freya, Vyra and Lily stared at her with envy.

Leon woke up and found Charlotte hugging his arm as she slept. He moved slowly as to not wake her up, free his arm, and went outside the tent.

It was incredibly quiet and he could feel the cold refreshing breeze on his face. Leon took out a bucket and filled it with water using magic to wash his face. As he did so, he sensed magic power in a distance.

Leon activated his stealth skill and walked slowly towards it. As he enter the woods, he became certain that there was magic power in the distance.

As Leon closes in to the source of the magic power, he saw the figure of a woman he knew training with magic.

Since creating magic arrows require great amount of control over magic power, Lily was training her magic power control by sustaining several water balls at once for a period of time.

Leon didn't want to disturb her concentration and decided to leave her be. However as he was about to leave, Lily collapsed as if her strings have been cut.

He ran towards Lily and caught her before she fell to the ground. Although his physical abilities were high, it was thanks to the bonus movement speed given by <<Skill: Stealth>> that he was able to catch her.

The skill was canceled right after he touched Lily, causing his presence to suddenly appear out of nowhere and surprised Lily.

"E-Eh?! Leon?! Wh-Where did you come from?"

"I'm sorry if I startled you."

"I-It is fine..."

Lily blushed as she was in Leon's arm. She was incredibly embarrassed but since she has no energy to get up, she stayed still. It's definitely not because Lily just wanted to stay in his arm because she loves it. Definitely not...

Noticing Lily's flushed face, Leon misunderstood and thought that her condition worsen.


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