Chapter 114.2 ~ Misteltein (3)

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AN: Sorry for the late update >_<! Had a class this morning to replace one that the lecturer missed T_T . 

Oh, sorry for the mistype in the previous chapter. I've changed it to Misteltein (3), instead of Misteltein (2).

Hope you enjoy this update~!

"...If it is too personal, then please don't mind it."

"No... As my daughter's teacher and benefactor, I think I owe you this much."

Marlon started telling Leon the story.

"Ever since she was young, Tina has shown incredible talent in magic enhancement magic, even overshadowing my son who's supposed to inherit the business. Of course, in a magic store business, the ability to enhance their own magic items personally isn't everything. But it was still a big part of it. My son has always felt inferior to Tina, that's why he works hard, harder than anyone, to become the person suitable to take over my business. But the wall of talent wasn't that easy to overcome.

Although he felt inferior to his little sister, my son and Tina's relationship is quite close. After all, we have been teaching them to love and take care of each other because they are the only ones who share the same blood in this world. But in the last few years, he had been feeling very pressured and stressed. The pressure of needing to become a worthy inheritor for my business, being better than Tina to show that he's someone capable, and the stress of maintaining the business himself slowly made their relationship drift apart.

Probably noticing this, Tina decided to not fight her brother and chose to open her own magic shop. At first, my wife and I didn't want her to worry about making a living and just let them take care of her until she's married. But she was very passionate about her dream and didn't let even us stop her. We didn't know what to do.

But after reading about how happy she was after learning from you and working here from her letters, we felt very happy and relieved that she finally has a chance to make her dream come true. She was able to pursue her dream and now, she has people who could support her in her journey.

Those people are you and everyone in this company of yours, Leon. That is why we feel very grateful for all of you."

Tina started sobbing and was being comforted by Charlotte who's patting her head. She hugged the white-haired loli tightly as she cried on her modest chest.

Kiara was sobbing on her husband's chest while Marlon kept up his calm act. He appeared to be in control of his emotions, but Leon could see that he was clenching his teeth, trying not to tear up.

Leon nodded and gave them a small smile. Merchants were usually very sly, cunning, and merciless, even to their own family, when money is involved. But these people, despite being merchants, still showed a deep and genuine love for their own family. Leon could tell that these people care for their family first and foremost before anything else, and that is something he can appreciate.

"I see. Thank you very much for sharing such a personal story with me. I'm glad I can help my student with her problems, even if it's just a little bit."

"No. You've done very much for us, Leon. If you need any help, please know that the "Adelaide" Magic Item Company will spare no effort in aiding you and Misteltein."

Marlon said firmly. From his side, Kiara also nodded firmly as both of them looked at Leon straight to his eyes. There were no signs of deceit or ill intent. It was their genuine intention to help Leon in his time of need and pay him back for all that he has done for their daughter.

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