Chapter 78.2 ~ Return

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AN: An extra calculus class today. Drained me off my soul...  Hope you guys had a good day. If not, then I hope this chapter helps :)!

*Knock* *Knock*

“Come in.”

Two people came into the room after the prime minister, Darius, let them. He was sitting on his chair behind his work desk which had piles of papers and books, all of them relating to the incident with the Gerard’s House including reiterations on how the kingdom will adapt to the changes after losing an influential noble house.

His looks, which was usually stern, cold, and to the many people who shares this opinion, scary, was now even more intimidating as stress and worry paint his expression. Although this was caused by the losing of an influential noble house, the prime minister and the king have been secretly preparing if such thing did happen and thus, didn’t cause him to be this stress. Since they had wanted to purge them since long ago, they already have some preparations done which lessen the impact to the kingdom.

The reason why he was so worried was because of the sudden appearance of a menace class monster in the middle of the royal capital and the fact that Leon and the others were there.

Although he knew about their strength, he couldn’t help but worry about them in face of such high leveled monster. If they lose Leon and Crimson Lightning, it would not only be a tremendous loss for the guild and Arcland, it will be a huge loss for the entire humanity including other races. They were that valuable.

However, even disregarding their power, the prime minister would’ve still worry about them. After a few weeks of getting to know them, especially Leon, he had grown to like them. They were different from the many nobles he frequently met who were power hungry and would stomp on each other’s bodies to reach greater heights.

He won’t say that it’s wrong since to achieve your dream, many would become sacrifices. However, he did not like how they use underhanded methods, or even sometimes, inhumane, just like the Gerard’s House. In contrast, Leon and Crimson Lightning were genuinely kind people that he was fortunate enough to meet.

That’s why he was waiting anxiously behind his desk for the good news.

“I’m glad to see fine and well, Leon, Iris.”

“Thank you very much, Sir Darius.”

“T-Thank you very much, Sir Darius.”

Despite his anxiousness, Darius still acted calmly as expected of someone of his calibre.

“I have received reports about a monster appearing in Paxi von Gerard’s mansion, but will you tell me what exactly happened?”

Leon started explaining the chronological order of what happened in that chaos. Starting with the arrest of Marquis Paxi, Pavel and slave trader Borius. Iris then continued by explaining the rescue of the innocents imprisoned below the marquis’s mansion. Then, Leon explained about the sudden appearance and rampage of a sealed monster.

“...To think we didn’t notice a sealed menace class monster right under our own noses.”

“The seal was something that sealed the monster in a near death state which made it almost impossible to detect. Even I did not sense it’s presence nor magic signature when I entered the mansion. However, I believe the seal was broken due to Paxi and/or Pavel’s unlocking the seal with their mind right before they lose consciousness as a last resort.”

“...I see.”

Darius put his hand on his chin, deliberating about what course of action he should take. After a short while, he looked back to Leon and Iris.

“Thank you very much for reporting. I shall conduct an investigation on it and search if there are other sealed monster in the capital. We will also clean up after this incident and punish the Gerards house and that slave merchant appropriately. Even in the best scenario, they will never see the sky again, this I can assure you. They will most likely be executed for treason against the crown. Good work Leon, Iris. Please rest easy for now. There’s supposed to be a royal dagger ceremony for you in a few days, but due to this incident, it will be postponed to a few weeks.  I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, Sir Darius.”

“Ah, that’s right. The renovation of the mansion will begin shortly. Though it might also take a while due to the recent incidents.”

“I understand.”

“Thank you. Then you are free to go.”

Leon and Iris bowed then left the room. Since Aria was most probably in Leon’s room along with the rest of Crimson Lightning, Iris followed Leon to his room. Although Leon was completely calm, Iris was the exact opposite. She couldn’t help but feel nervous, restless, fidgety but also excited and ecstatic at the same time. Her face was blushing a lot and she kept stealing glances at Leon.

Leon, of course, noticed her glances and decided to tease her. He looked at her right in the eyes when she stole a glance and smiled.

Caught by surprise, Iris, who was already red to begin with, blushed even more and let out a small surprised shriek which made her even more embarrassed. Though amused by her cute reaction, Leon apologized and tried to calm Iris down. Yes he tried, but failed since it made Iris even more nervous and embarrassed.

Leon started telling his friends about the talk he had with the prime minister. Mia, Lily, Freya, Vyra, Charlotte, Iris and Aria looked pleased since Crimson Lightning would still be staying in the palace for a while. Since they get along really well, they were actually quite sad if they had to leave the palace after the case was resolved and not able to hangout with Aria and Iris as often.

Alex and Rafael also seemed glad since they got along with the knights and enjoy training with them.

After a short chat, all of them returned to their own quarters since it was already late. Though Charlotte seemed to want to stay and sleep with Leon. He wouldn’t actually mind it but when he saw Lily, Freya, Vyra, Aria and Iris looking at her with envy, Leon asked her to sleep at her own room today and promised to sleep together in the future.



“Promise promise?”

“Promise promise.”


Charlotte hugged Leon and buried her face to Leon’s shirt.

After that, Charlotte and the others returned to their rooms. Leon took a quick bath and went to bed right after as he thought about the talk he will be having with Freya, Vyra, Lily, Aria and Iris tomorrow.

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