Chapter 16 ~ Errand and Second Day of Magic Training

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The sun shone brightly, illuminating over the people who were busy with their activities in Lingenia.

The market was bustling with noise of people haggling, talking, and advertising their products.

Various kind of people could be seen. There were people wielding swords which were strapped on their back and or waist, or were wielding staffs and wands. Others were in their daily clothes which looked simple compared to the clothes Leon were used to in his world.

Leon and Rafael were walking through the busy market streets to find a light snack for Lily who was currently weak in bed.

As they walk, whispers, giggles, and even occasional shrieks could be heard from women. Leon ignored them since he sensed no hostility, while Rafael sighed occasionally.

"You really do attract attention huh. Especially when there is no girls with us."

"Hmm? What is that?"

One of the food stall caught Leon's attention. A rectangular looking dish, presumably, was wrapped in leaf and gave off a delicate seafood smell. Steam was raising from that food stall carrying the vagrant of the dish to its surroundings.

"Oh welcome dear customer! Would you like to try Hyrelia?"

"Hyrelia? What sort of dish is it?"

"It's a steamed Hyrea fish with herbs. I tell you, it's mighty delicious!"

"Then I will take 3 please."

"That'll be 6 copper coins. Thank you very much!"

Although it looks like the coins are from his pocket, Leon merely acts like it while taking it from his <<Inventory>>.

The stall keeper handed 3 rectangular shaped leaf package about the size of a wallet in a small basket made of leafs.

Apparently the leafs were aromatic and tough, suitable for carrying foods.

After procuring Lily's snack which Leon's put in his <<Inventory>> to preserve the heat, Leon searched for a store where he could buy potion.

I assume the guild would have mana potions. There are gathering quests which request specifically for herbs used for creating mana potions.

As they walk to the guild, the amount of people wearing adventurer's gears increased. There were adventurers drinking in a bar, making loud noises, even picking fights with one another. The atmosphere got increasingly rambunctious as they get near the guild.

They enter the guild and was greeted by numerous stares. The stares lasted only for a second and the adventurers in the guild returned to their business. They were probably not interested with newbie adventurers.

Leon walked towards the counter and was greeted by a familiar receptionist, while Rafael walked towards the request board to see what new quests were available. When he saw this, he was reminded that he should learn the language of this world. He was able to understand the magic scroll catalogue after hearing the staff's explanation. But it would be dangerous if he couldn't read or write the language of this world. With that thought, Leon made a mental note to ask Lily, Mia or Rafael to teach him the language of this world.

"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. How can I help you today, Mr. Leon?"

The short brown haired receptionist lady, Phillis, greeted Leon whom she had met in various occasion. She had also witness Leon's ability and thus act more politely to him than other rank D adventurers.

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