Chapter 10 ~ Magic Store

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"So? What are you planning on doing after forcing me to show my ability?"

The guild master was surprised, or actually dumbfounded by Leon's question.

"Hmm? Nothing?"


Both of them stared at each other at disbelief.

Even Leon who rarely made a mistake in predicting other's intention is surprised by the guild master's reply.

"Well to be honest, I was just caught up in the moment and wanted to try and fight a strong opponent."

The guild master scratched his head and laughed at his own battle craze tendencies.

"Well even if I wasn't caught up in my excitement, I won't make you do anything you don't want. I'd rather not make an enemy out of someone as powerful as you."

He said in a serious tone as he continued on checking the condition of the corpse.

"Oh and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your ability. Of course that also goes for you, Phillis."

The guild master pointed his gaze to the guild staff present in all seriousness as she nodded in acknowledgement.

Although still having doubts in his mind, Leon replied to the guild master.

"Very well. I will hold on to your words. However, shall your standings change for the worse, my standing will change too depending on the situation."

Leon stared daggers at the guild master.

"Of course! Although I never go back on my own words. Let's get along from now on shall we. My name is Gera, the guild master of Adventurer's Guild in Lingenia. Nice to work with you."

The guild master went towards Leon and offered a handshake.

"My name is Leon Misteltein. Likewise guild master."

Leon grabbed Gera's hand and shaked it.


After coming to an agreement, Leon, Lily, Gera and Phillis proceeded on checking the <<Storm Wolf's>> corpse to determine the price they would pay for it.

Turns out, the amount they were willing to pay surprised even Leon, not to mention Lily.

"20 gold coins!?"

Lily shouted in surprise while Leon recovered from his shock by logically thinking about it.

Leon learned from Lily that a gold coin was equivalent to 10 silver or 100 copper coins.

In Leon's world, a gold coin was probably equal to $100.

Considering that the corpse belonged to a special monster, $2000 seemed to be a fair deal.

Although the amount would increase if the corpse was in better state as mentioned by the guild master.

They then went back to the counter and received 20 gold coins which Leon put in his <<Inventory>> after Lily suggested so.

Indeed there might be nowhere safer than Leon's <<Inventory>>.

Not only that it couldn't be accessed by anyone except the user, using force towards Leon would take a turn for the worse for the assailant.

They then met up again with Mia and Rafael who were sitting in the guild hall.

"Welcome back! So what are we going to do now? Wanna take a quest?"

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