Chapter 6 ~ Departure

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The sun started to rise from the east, marking the start of the day.

Villagers started to rise one by one and welcomed the day.

A girl woke up from her slumber as she felt the drastic change in luminosity in her room.

She sat up and rubbed her still swollen eyes after crying the night before.

The talk she had with Leon was that of a sad one.

Lily talked to him about his father's death, and in turn, he told Lily about how he was unable to feel affection, causing him to be unable to trust people.

Although the main topics of the talks were depressing, the most vivid memory on Lily's mind wasn't that of a sad one, but one that made her heart skip a beat.

The picture of the last smile he showed to her.

The smile which was a little different from his usual smile.

The smile which made her realize her feelings towards him.

She kept on imagining that smile of his, wanting to see it again.

Lily brought her hands to her chest, as if trying to keep that smile of his from disappearing and engraved it to her heart.

After a while, Lily walked towards the kitchen.

After filling a bucket with water from a nearby well and returned to her home, she proceeded to washing her face and wiping down the night sweat from her body.

As soon as she had done so, she changed into her hunter gear which consisted of light leather armor on top of a shirt, a skirt and long leather boots.

She then rechecked her backpack she prepared the night before containing some change of clothes, underwears, skirts, some nightwear, a sleeping tent, her father's bow which she now uses, and a quiver of arrow.

After confirming that no items she wanted to bring was forgotten, she then proceeded to heading towards the house Leon stayed the night in, which was the village chief's house.

Lily knocked on the door and waited for somebody to open it.

A voice of a women could be heard as soon as she knocks, telling her that she's coming.

Without much of a wait, a middle age women opened the door and greeted Lily with her gentle voice.

"I am sorry for bothering you this early in the morning. Is Leon still asleep?"

"Oh, I thought he already went to your place! He woke up just before sunrise. I heard the door opening then closing just as I woke up, so I just assumed its him."

"I-Is that true!"

Lily, shocked by what she just said, excused herself hurriedly and run in a haste to find Leon.

She looked around the village, finding no signs of him.

Some villagers said they saw him going to the direction of the forest.

After thanking them for information of Leon's location, She dashed towards the forest.

She was not afraid of Leon getting in danger. She knew that he was much stronger than she is. He was also kind, smart, and incredibly well-liked by the villagers so there was no need to be afraid of him getting into a squabble with other people.

The thing she feared was him leaving her.

He managed to charm her as soon as they met.

She, who has never understood the sentiment of the many young man who confessed their love to her, had fallen in love with him.

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