Chapter 1 ●First Meeting●

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Hi, lovelies, thank you for clicking on this book. This will probably be a short book, because I suck when it comes to commitment with book writing.




"Eol mana gidaryeora tomyeot bameul~" I sang the lyrics to Bangtan Sonyeondan's Spring Day as it was playing on the radio while waiting in the car with the rest of my members.

"BOGO SHIPDAAA!!" Jisoo sang— more like shouted loud enough to awaken the sleeping Jennie from her deep sleep.

"BOGO SHIPDAAA!!" Rose sang along.

"Would it kill you guys to tone it down a bit?" Jennie sighed, only half awake.

"who are you guys excited to meet?" I asked.

"Definitely bigbang and Red Velvet" Jennie said.

"Me too" Rose agreed.

"Same for me" Jisoo said, not bothering to look up form her phone.

"How about idols you've never talked to before?" I asked, emphasizing the 'never talked to before'

"Suran. No doubt" Rose said in awe. "She has the voice of an angel"

"Probably exo. Especially kai" Jennie said with a smile.

"I agree with with Jennie" Jisoo raised her hand. "How about you Lisa?"

"I'm actually looking forward to meeting everbo-"

"Oh shut it Lisa, we all know you want to meet mister Jeon Jungkook the most" Jennie teased, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

But before I could say anything, the door opened, meaning it was time for us to go out and walk on the carpet.

"showtime, girls"

If you're wondering, we're not at a music festival. We're at an event where idols from different companies gather and celebrate their success. It happens every five years, so we're very honoured to be invited to this event considering we just debuted last year.

We entered the huge venue and to my surprise, it wasn't very loud and chaotic. Idols were just talking calmly while music played.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna go get myself some food" Rose said, you could hear the excitement in her voice. Jisoo followed her.

Ah, Chaeng, her love for food is unconditional.

Suddenly, everyone averted their gaze to the wide double doors.

"Lisaaaa" Jennie started shaking my shoulders, "It's your crush"

You guessed it, the famous Bangtan boys have entered the venue. "they're unbelievably handsome in person" I accidentally said out loud and put a hand over my mouth after what I just said.

"Do you want to walk around?" Jennie asked. "I heard that there's a garden here"

"Where's Chaeng and Jisoo unnie?" I asked, looking around.

"Rose? She's busy fangirling over Suran. Jisoo? She's busy eating chicken"

We both went to the back of the venue. It was a garden full of beautiful flowers with a fountain in the middle and benched at the side. There were only 3 people there.

"Lisaaaa" Jennie fangirled and started shaking my shoulder again.

I held my shoulder, in pain, "Unnie, how desperate are you to break my shoulder?"

She pointed at two boys on a bench who were talking to each other casually. "It's Kai and Suho" She whispered.

"Go talk to them" I encouraged her.

"I'm shy"

"Come on" I dragged her to where Baekhyun and Suho was. "Annyeong, Kai sunbae, Suho sunbae" We both bowed ninety degrees, and they did the same.

"Lisa and Jennie from Blackpink?" Kai asked and we nodded.

"We came to say hello" Jennie smiled. "And I also really love your music"

They started talking and I felt kind of out of place so I decided to leave. I went inside again and was just looking around for people I could talk to. Suddenly, someone bumped my shoulder hard enough to make stumble backwards.

what is up with people trying to break my shoulder?

I looked at the guy who bumped me, he said a simple 'sorry' and continued walking without even facing me. If I wasn't wrong, that was Jungkook of bts. The group that I admire a lot.

"I'm sorry about him, are you okay?" Someone asked me from behind. I turned around to see Jin. The Kim Seokjin. "I guess he was in a hurry"

Oh my, he indeed is worldwide handsome.

"I-I'm okay, thank you" I accidentally stuttered then bowed.

Lisa, what's wrong with you?

"I'm Lisa of Blackpink, nice to meet you, sunbae" I bowed once again.

"Ah, I'm Jin" He bowed back. "I love your songs, I'm excited for your upcoming comeback" He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile knowing one of my favorite people in the idol industry actually likes our music. "Thank you so much, sunbae"

"So where are your other members?" Jin asked.

"I don't know where Jisoo unnie is. Jennie unnie is in the garden talking with Baekhyun and Suho sunbae and Rose is probably fangirling over Suran-ssi's presence" I chuckled. "How about your members, Jin sunbae?"

"You can call me oppa, sunbae is too formal" Jin laughed. "I don't know where they are"

"Hyung, I was looking for you" Someone approached Jin and looked at me. "You're even prettier in person" He accidentally said out loud. "I mean, I'm Jimin" he said, a little embarrassed.

"I'm Lisa" I smiled brightly. "it's nice to meet you, sunbae"

"Do you want to grab something to eat?" Jimin asked and both of us nodded.

We grabbed some food and sat down on a circular empty table and started chatting. Rose seemed to spot us and she decided to join in.

"Yah, Jin hyung, when can we go home?" Someone came to Jin whining.

"Be patient, kookie. The others are still having fun" Jin sighed. "Why don't you join us?"

He groaned then sat down. He looked at me and we made eye contact for about three seconds, "I'm Lisa" I smiled.

"I know" He said, rather rudely.

wow, rude.

"Jungkook" Jin warned him like a mother.

"Excuse me" I said, standing up. I went to find the toilet but this place is really big. So I ended up going round in circles.

"Ah!" I exclaimed in sudden pain. Someone stepped on my foot. I looked at him and it was none other than Jeon Jungkook.

"Yah! You know that hurt, right?" I said rather loudly.

"Quiet down, will you?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm wearing heels!"

"The toilet is that way" He pointed to a certain direction.

"So are you not going to apologize?"

"You're not injured and you're still alive, what's so severe about that?"

"forgive me, sunbae but you know, for someone as influencial as you, you sure are rude" I groaned and pushed him away.

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