Chapter 22 ●Flowers and Food●

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"Lalisa, open up!" I heard Chaeyoung bang on my door.

I just covered my face with a pillow and ignored her.

"Come on, Lisa!"

I dragged myself out of bed, my eyes still closed. I opened the door to see what the chipmunk wants.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Come on, we're waiting for you in the living room" She said. "And please fix yourself, you look like you've just risen from the dead"

I did what I was told, I took a shower and put on some decent clothes. I got ready, but that doesn't mean I'm not sleepy anymore.

I went down to the living room and to my surprise, some members of Bangtan were there. Jin, Yoongi and Jimin oppa were there. "Morning unnies"

"Ah, morning oppas" I bowed and took a seat on the couch. "What brings you here?" I asked, trying my best to keep my eyes open.

"Did you get enough sleep? You look dead" Yoongi oppa chuckled.

"About thirteen hours" I said. I usually don't sleep that long but I needed it. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep during the week because of tight schedules. And today, we have nothing scheduled so why not grab the chance.

"I'm proud of you, my child" Yoongi oppa smiled proudly.

"We came by to give you something" Jin oppa said.

"Really?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Jungkookie asked us to deliver something for you since he's busy at the moment" Jimin oppa said.

That was enough to awaken me entirely. "Really?!" I asked way too energetically. "I mean, uh... Really?" I repeated but with an unenthusiastic tone making everyone laugh.

"Well that woke you up" Chaeyoung chuckled.

"No.. I just.. Uhm.. I.. Nevermind" I gave up.

"You forgave him?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"Not fully forgive. I just gave him a chance to prove himself worth of my full forgiveness since he asked for it" I shrugged.

"I see" Yoongi oppa said and gave me a basket with flowers and food.

My mouth hung open.

"Oh wow" Jennie unnie said in shock. "He really wants your forgiveness"

"So I guess we'll be off now" Jin hyung stood up followed by the rest.

"Wait! Why don't you guys stay for a bit?" Jisoo unnie suggested.

"Sure, I don't see why not, we don't have anything scheduled anyway" Jimin oppa smiled.

They sat back down and started talking with my members. Jisoo unnie with Jin oppa, Chaeng to Jimin oppa and Jennie unnie to Yoongi oppa.

And I'm alone. Fun.

I looked at the basket. There were flowers circling the center. There's pizza, fries and burgers in the center. I saw a note and read it.

'Good morning, butterfly. Here's some good food to start your day, hope you enjoy it'

I smiled at the note. It made me happy, the fact that he put effort into preparing this.

My phone vibrated, meaning someone texted me.

'Kookie: Did you receive my little gift?'

Yes, we exchanged numbers yesterday since he said we're 'friends'. And apparently, he saved his number as 'kookie'.

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