Chapter 10 ●Be Okay●

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"This is so good!"

"Hyung, you chose the perfect person to rap this"

"I'm proud of you, Hyung"

"So full of emotion, my eyes are sweating"

We were listening to Yoongi hyung's new song that Lisa featured in. And I gotta say, this song is absolutely going to top charts. It's a really energetic song, it somewhat has the 'Cypher pt. 4' vibes with inspiring lyrics. It talks about the process of finding yourself. Suga hyung's lyrics are always good.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed my phone then opened my contacts and clicked on a name I have clicked on in a long time.


I took a deep breath and pressed call. After a few rings she picked up.

"Yah, is the arrogant maknae of bts actually calling me?" She exclaimed with sarcasm in her voice. However, her voice wasn't as strong. Is she sick?

"Whatever. I just wanted to congratulate you on your song with Yoongi hyung. You did a really good job" I bit my lower lip.

"Thank you, Jungkook, this is the first kind comment I've ever gotten from you since a month ago"

"Do I even insult you that often?"

"Yeah, no shit" She coughed.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH LALISA" I heard Jennie noona yell.

"ANNYEONG JENNIE NOONA!" I greeted very loudly so she could hear.

"Annyeong!" I heard her greet back.

"Yah, Jungkook, are you trying to make me deaf? Jennie unnie could hear your voice and you aren't even on loud speaker"

"Are you sick?" I asked.

"I wish I wasn't"

"You should get some rest"

"Is the cold and arrogant Jeon Jungkook starting to care for me? I'm touched" Even though I couldn't see her, I can tell that she has that smirk on her face.

"Even when your sick, you still have the ability to annoy the fuck out of me" I sighed.

"That's my specialty" I heard her giggle.

"I gotta go now, bye" I said and hung up before she could annoy me even more.

I went back to the living room where my hyungs are. "Why don't we pay Blackpink a visit?" Jin hyung suggested.

"To congratulate Lisa? Or to see Jisoo noona" I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing the red faced Seokjin hyung.

"Aniya!" He defended. "Plus, Jisoo told me that Lisa is sick, so let's bring her her favorite food to cheer her up"

"So, hyung, have you been talking to Jisoo noona often? How did you know that Lisa's sick?"

He buried his face in the pillow in embarrassment, all of us laughed at him.

"What is Lisa's favorite food though?" Jimin hyung asked.

"French fries" I immediately answered.

They all looked at me. "How do you know?" Yoongi hyung smirked.

"We used to be friends, remember?"

We left the house, bought Lisa's French fries then went to their house. The members greeted us warmly and let us enter.

"Where's Lisa?" Jimim hyung asked Rose.

"Oh, she's taking a quick nap, she'll be up soon" Rose said then sat beside Jimim hyung.

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