Chapter 12 ●Dates and Heartbreaks●

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"Right now I'm in a state of mind!" I jammed to the song that was playing.

"I wanna be in like all the time!" Rose used her comb as a microphone.

"Ain't got no tears left to cry!" We both sang together.

"I can't believe sajangnim let us off for a week. No stress, no heavy schedules, and we can go out whenever we want" Jennie unnie dived onto the couch and accidentally hit Jisoo unnie's jaw in the process who was sitting at the end of the couch.

The hospital released me a week ago and Papa YG gave us a week off. That means we're stress free for a week.

My phone started ringing, I answered it without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?"


"Oh, hey Bam" I greeted, eyes still stuck on the television.

"Are you free right now?"

"I don't know Bam, I have plans in thirty minutes" I lied.

"We both know that you're making excuses to stay home and watch television. I'm outside your gate already, get ready" He hung up.

I dragged myself to my room and got changed. I honestly don't want to go out, but it looks like i have to now. I put on some black ripped jeans, a black cropped hoodie and my mask. I grabbed my black coat before leaving my room.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"To meet up with Bambam. I'll be home early, don't worry" I said as I slipped on my beautiful Timberlands.

"Lisa, fetch me some kimchi fried rice on your way home, please?" Rose asked and I simply nodded.

I made my way out of the house then the gate. I spotted Bambam who was just outside the gate, standing beside his car.

I sneaked behind him and hit him on the shoulder making him jump a little. "You made me step outside my house, I'm blaming you"

"You scared me" He put a hand on his chest.

"So where are we going?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Bowling!" He clapped his hands happily.

I suddenly got excited when he said we were going bowling. It's not that I enjoy bowling, but this is the best thing he's going to make me do so far. I remember when he let me go ice skating and mountain climbing on the spot. It didn't end well.

We got inside hid car and he started driving. The bowling place is quite far but luckily, Bambam can drive. Life would be easier if I could drive. I won't be recognized while I'm walking on the streets.

My phone vibrated and when I looked at who send me a text, I immediately smiled from ear to ear.

"Why are you smiling so much? It's creepy" Bambam said and glared at me playfully.

"Your face is creepy"

"I'm hurt" He playfully glared at me then focused on his driving.

'Jungkook: What are you up to today?'

'Me: Just spending the day with Bambam'

'Jungkook: Seriously, are you two dating or what?'

'Me: Pabo, we're childhood friends. How about you?'

'Jungkook: I just finished dance practice so I'm pretty exhausted. Can you come over? I miss you'

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