Chapter 16 ●Not Dreaming●

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I felt empty. I had lost her again thanks to my carelessness.

"Jungkook, you have to eat" V hyung sighed.

"I'm full, hyung"

"You haven't eaten dinner and breakfast, Kookie, you're starting to worry us" Jin hyung sighed as he turned the television on and switched it to the news.

"Blackpink's Lisa was attacked a fan this morning while she was walking to her agency's building, here is the footage that was filmed by a civilian"

My heart dropped hearing the news.

A video played, it was a girl pulling Lisa's hair and hitting her. "YOU BITCH, JUNGKOOK BELONGS TO YERI I HOPE YOU DIE!"

I clenched my fists. Yeri's fans attacked her.

Yoongi hyung turned the television off.

"Jungkook" Jin hyung said sadly as he patted a tissue below my eyes.

Am I... Crying?

I picked up my phone and dialed Yeri's number. "Yeri, meet me at the usual place, we need to talk" I said and hung up.

"Why?" Namjoon hyung asked. "Please don't kill her"

"Hyung, I'll just ask her if she's the one who posted the picture of us"

"You want me to drive you there?" Hobi hyung asked and I nodded.

I didn't even bother changing, we just left without anything. I had nothing but my wallet and phone.

"What do you plan on telling her?" Hobi hyung asked while he kept his eyes on the road.

"I don't know" I sighed.

Not long after, we stopped in front of a dark alley. I immediately got off the car and spotted Yeri waiting for me. I took a deep breathe before going to her.

"Oppa" She smiled. "I'm happy to see yo-"

"Were you the one who posted the picture?" I asked, cutting her off.


"Did you?!" I raised my voice a bit. "I only need a yes or no"

"Why does it matter?"

"Answer me, Yeri" I tried to control my anger by clenching my fists.

She just hung her head low and said nothing.

"So you did"

"Oppa, I can explain"

"You ruined her career! Not only hers, but her group's as well!"

"She was a threat, I just want you to myself"

"Did you have to destroy her life?!" Tears started flowing on my cheeks.

She seemed surprised, "Are you.. Crying?"

I felt my knees going weak, I dropped on the floor. "Did you have to take her away from me? I lost her again"

She wasn't able to speak, she just stared at me.

"She was your friend, she considered you one of her best friends, Yeri, and this is what you do to her? I never thought you would do something so pathetic, Yeri"

"I-I'm sorry, Jungkook"

"You think sorry will help what you've done? What if Lisa found out what you've done"

"No, please don't tell her" She begged.

"I never said I will. I'm forbid to talking to her"

She sighed in relief.

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