Chapter 11 ●Awake●

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I stared at the unconscious Lisa in front of me. Her condition is very critical at the moment but the doctor said she'll be better in a few days.

Her members went to go eat while I look after this doll. The boys decided to leave but I decided to stay.

I knelt down beside the hospital bed. "You need to recover fast, you know. Your fans are worried"

"And so am I" I added.

I should leave before she wakes up.

I stood up and was about to leave until I felt a hand grip my wrist. "Stay"

I looked at Lisa who is now awake. "Please"

A wide smile appeared on my face, "You're awake"

"No, I'm still asleep" She rolled her eyes at me like she usually does. "So is the cold bunny starting to care about me?" She teased.

"Shut up" I groaned. "You just woke up and you're already trying to annoy me. And why do you enjoy pestering me so much? Or are you just looking for a reason to talk to me" It was my turn to smirk.

Her eyes widened, "Of course not! Don't flatter yourself, coconut"

"Yah! I don't even have coconut hair anymore" I defended.

"You will always and forever be a coconut, coconut"


"Sloths are cute"


"Monkeys are smart. Nice try, coconut" She smirked.

"So I'm a coconut?" I asked one more time, already having in mind what to say if she says yes.


"So does that mean I'm yummy?" I put on a mischievous smirk.

She looked puzzled at first then after a few seconds, her expression changed into a shocked one, "Pabo! You're lucky I'm weak right now. If I wasn't I would've thrown you off the building"

"Have you even tasted me before Lisa?"

"Yah! You can't annoy me, that's my job! And you're a jerk" She crossed her arms and pouted in annoyance.


"Do you want to taste me?"

Her cheeks flushed red. "I'm gonna kill you once I get my strength back"

"You know what, I like your long black hair better" She said out of nowhere.

"Why is that?"

"You don't look like a coconut anymore"

"Yah! When are you gonna stop teasing me about my past hair?"

"Shimmie shimmie, co co nut, I think I like it" She started singing to the tune of Ko Ko Bop by Exo.

"Lalisa!" I whined like a child for her to stop.

"Wow, Lisa, you just woke up and two of you are already arguing" Jennie noona entered the room followed by the rest.

"Lisa!" Rose ran to Lisa and hugged her. "How are you feeling?'

"I feel weak, but I'm better"

"That's what you get for over-working yourself, Lalisa! We were so worried, you know? They came over and brought you French fries but when Jungkook went to get you, you passed out!" Jisoo unnie scolded her like a mother.

"Wait what happened to the fries?" Lisa looked worried.

This girl, I swear.

"Chaeng ate them but that doesn't matter"

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