Chapter 20 ●Drama●

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A week has passed since we announced that we'll be coming back and that we're active in the industry again. Things have been good except that our rules are back. No driving, no drinking, no smoking, no tattoos and more.

About the no dating, sajangnim was supposed to let Jennie unnie break up with Yoongi oppa but Jennie unnie cried so much and sajangnim finally agreed that she could keep her relationship. We're allowed to date, but the boy has to go through sajangnim first. He truly is like a father.

Right now, I'm heading towards sajangnim's office since he called me. Strange, he only called me. Am I in trouble?

I knocked on the door, "Papa sajangnim"

"Come in, Lisa"

With that, I went in his office. I bowed down then sat on the chair in front of his desk. "Sajangnim"

"Lisa, I have to talk to you about something" He started. "I signed you up for a short drama"

"Really?!" I exclaimed happily.

"I figured that you needed some exposure. Here is your script for your filming which will start tomorrow. It's a sixteen episode drama so it's quite short" He handed me a thick book which I gladly accepted. "Open it and look at your fellow casts"

I nodded and happily opened it, excited to see what this drama was about.

"Rose" I read the title out loud.

I was confused with the title. Why would a drama me named 'Rose?'. Is that the name of the girl?


Lalisa Manoban as Park Jinee

Kunpimook Bhuwakul as Han Jaeson

Jeon Jungkook as Chaemin Ken'


I started choking on my saliva after reading the names.

"Papa sajangnim, I'll be working with Jungkook and Bambam?" I asked in horror and opened the script scanning the pages, reading them quickly.

'*Jaeson leans in and kisses Jinee*'


I went deeper into the script.

'Ken: Please, just love me

(Ken leans in to kiss Jinee)'

Damn, my character is a slut, kissing people here and there.

"D-do I actually have to kiss Bambam and Jungkook?"

He nodded, "Bambam is your best friend right?"

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can just kiss him.

"Lisa, dear, we both know that you've already had your first kiss so there isn't really something to worry about" Sajangnim teased, making me remember my first kiss with Jungkook.

"And Jungkook?"

"You have no choice Li-"

"Papa Sajangniiiimm" I put on the best aegyo possible.

He just chuckled and ruffled my hair, "Yah, Lisa, I've been with you for more than six years, I'm immune to your aegyo. You only have two lip scenes and that's with Bambam and Jungkook. I would replace you but I already put your other members into something"

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