Chapter 8 ●Collab●

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"Jeon Jungkook" I slowly said. Jin oppa was behind him but unlike him, Jin oppa looked happy to see me.

"Lalisa Manoban" He stared at me intensely.

"Min Yoongi" Yoongi oppa finally let go of me.

"Kim Seokjin" Jin oppa imitated both of our faces together with Yoongi oppa.

We both looked at them weirdly. "You guys were saying names, I didn't want to be left out" Yoongi oppa shrugged.

Jin oppa started laughing. Expert window wiper is back. God, I missed his window wiper laugh.

"Lalisaaaa!" Jin oppa engulfed me into a tight hug. "Yoongi, you didn't tell me she was coming over"

"What's she doing here?" He said rather rudely, referring to me.

I was taken aback by his words. Are we seriously going to start over again? Are we seriously going to start acting rude to each other again?

"Yah, Jungkookie, is that how you greet an old friend? I raised since you were fifteen, I expected much from you. Is that how you greet her? Where are your manners young man?" Jin oppa started scolding the boy.

Jungkook looked hot with his new hair, I'm not going to lie. Coconut no more.

I just want to run to him and hug him but I can't. I want to tell him how much I missed him but I can't.

"I invited her over. She's helping me with my mixtape" He put both his hands on my shoulders and rested his chin on my head.

This isn't Yoongi , he isn't affectionate

I noticed Jungkook clenching his fist and he was glaring at Yoongi oppa who smirked at his reaction. Is he... Jealous?

Then it hit me. Yoongi is doing this on purpose.

"I think you two should go, we have work to do" Yoongi oppa said.

"I was just leaving" Jungkook walked out of the room followed by Jin oppa who gave me a smile before leaving.

He shut the door and faced me, "If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm testing Jungkookie"

I knew it, "Why?"

"I want to see if he still likes you since he keeps denying it whenever I ask him about it. And even a blind man could tell that he was jealous"

"But he never liked me"

"Whatever you say, Lalisa. Come on, let me show you how your parts go. Will it be okay if you have a part where you'll sing?"

I've never been confident with my singing. In rapping, I'm fully confident, but in singing? Not so much.

"Don't worry, you only have a few singing lines, the rest are rap. And I've heard you sing before, you're good"

I couldn't help but smile at his comment.

He taught me all my lines until I finally mastered it. We changed some parts from Yoongi's original draft. We added a few instruments to the instrumental to make it sound more dramatic. The song was mostly rap with a little bit of singing.

He looked at his watch and his eyes widened, "We spent six hours in here"

I gasped then checked my phone.

'Jendukie: Where are you and why aren't you answering my calls?!'

'Jichu unnie: Lalisa Manoban, answer your phone right now!'

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