Chapter 23 ●Sick●

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"And we're done for today!" The director announce and I sighed in relief.

I silently celebrated that I get to go home already.

You see, I woke up this morning not feeling so well so today was a long day. My body is weak and I'm out of focus but I didn't let it affect today's filming.

I grabbed my water bottle and drank from it. I suddenly felt a harsh pain in my head making me stumble backwards a bit. I lost balance. I closed my eyes, preparing for the harsh impact on the floor.




To my surprise, I didn't hit the floor. I slowly opened my eyes to see a set of beautiful eyes staring into mine.

He had his manly arms wrapped around my waist, stopping me from falling.

His eyes are beautiful. In fact, every part of his face is. Perfect in every angle.

We stayed like this for a while until I decided to break it which I regret doing, I wanted to stay like that forever. "Uhm, you can put me down now"

He nodded and put me down.

Such a shame that moment had to end.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, thank you very much"

"You seem paler than usual, are you okay?" He put a hand on my forehead and gasped. "You're burning up"

"I am?"

"Text your driver, you need to rest and go home so you can attend tomorrow's shooting" He said and nodded.

I dialed my driver's number and waited for him to answer.

"Timon oppa, are you here?" I asked and sat down.

"Yes, Lisa-ssi. I'm outside"

"Alright, thank you" I said and hung up.

"I'm sending you home" Jungkook said.

"No, it's fi-"

"That wasn't a request, that was a statement"

I sighed and grabbed my stuff then we exited the building. I spotted the car then got in followed by Jungkook.

"Home, please" I said and he nodded.

"Are you feeling okay?" Jungkook asked. 

"I'm fine" I said as I wrapped both my arms around myself since it was really cold.

Jungkook seemed to know since he started taking off his jacket. He wrapped his jacket around me making my heart flutter.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I asked.

"You're cold" He said.

What he did next made my heart beat so fast, it gave me butterflies.

He wrapped his arms around me and let me lie down, my head on his lap.

I tried to sit up again but his arms held me from escaping. I stiffened.

"Lisa, don't be stubborn" He sighed, "Please rest, you need it"

I finally became comfortable and stopped being stiff. I closed my eyes.

Then fell asleep.


We reached their house and I looked at Lisa. She's sleeping.

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