Chapter 5 ●Kisses and Goodbyes●

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The past weeks weren't as chaotic as I thought, the dating rumor has settled down a bit. There are still some people out there who hate me and my members, but it's fine I guess.

Oh, and Jungkook and I have gotten a lot closer after the incident on 'After School Club'. Our groups have gotten really close. They would always come over if their schedule is empty. But Jungkook has been avoiding me for a few days, maybe he's just busy.

"Lisa, about you and Jungkook" Jisoo unnie crossed her arms.

Oh no.

"Look, Lisa, we have nothing against both of you. In fact, we would love you two to be together but please do remember that you still have a dating ban" Jennie unnie said before sipping her cup of tea.

"We're nothing more than friends" I said. I wasn't lying, we are just friends as of now.

"Late night calls, him visiting you often, bringing you food. Sure, I totally believe that you don't have any feelings for that boy" She took another sip of her tea with a smirk still plastered on her face.

"Just drink your tea" I sighed and walked up to Jisoo unnie, taking one of her chicken pieces then sat back down.

"You evil maknae" Jisoo unnie glared at me.

"That's okay, Lisa, if you two love each other then the dating ban shouldn't stop you" Rose patted my back and gave me her signature sweet smile.

My phone rang.


"You even placed a heart on his contact name" Rose chuckled. "Go on, answer your bunny"

I felt myself blush as I pressed the green button. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"I miss you" Was the first thing he said. If my face could get even more red than it already is, then it just did. But something was weird about his voice. It wasn't the energetic type of 'I miss you', it sound more like he was sad.

"AHHHH, Jungkook-ah, you're too sweet" I think that was Jimin oppa.

"Jiminie, shut up and let them talk" Clearly Yoongi oppa.

"Are you sick?" I chuckled at his sudden sweet words and at Jimin oppa.

"Is it wrong to say that I miss you?"


"I just wanted to say that the new photographs of me are out" He said.

"Why are you telling me this?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Just in case you needed new wallpapers"

"YAH, JUNGKOOKIE DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO STOP-" I stopped screaming since I noticed my members looking at me like I was insane. Jisoo unnie was eating her chicken while looking at me weirdly, Jennie unnie was drinking her tea slowly and poor Chaeng who was beside me the whole time looked scared at my sudden outburst. "talking about it" I continued calmly. "Did you call me just to make fun of me?" I said and stole one of Jisoo unnie's chicken legs making her glare at me.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to come over yesterday" He apologized.

"It's fine, there are still a lot of days" I chuckled.

"Not exactly"


"Kookie!" I heard Jin oppa scold him. "Don't mind him, Lisa!"

"What would you do if we weren't allowed to talk anymore, or even see each other?" He asked so suddenly.

"We just got really close, why would we not be allowed to see each other?" I asked.

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