Chapter 6 ●Drunk●

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"UNNIE, WHYYY?!" Lisa sobbed, lying on the carpet.

"Awe, honey, it's okay" I continued to comfort her.

She was so upset that papa sajangnim gave us permission to let her drink, and this is what's happening right now. She's on the floor, drunk and crying her heart out for a guy she didn't even date. It hurts to see her like this, Lisa's always smiling and laughing, and now she's like this.

"Does she love him that much?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"YEESSS" Lisa punched the ground. "OUCH!" She hugged her fist in pain.

"It's okay, Lisa" Jennie unnie smiled sadly.

"It's all my fault! How could I be so dumb! If I didn't eat all the food, we wouldn't go to the grocery story. If we didn't go to the grocery store, he wouldnt need to help me. If he didn't need to help me, the rumors wouldn't have started!" She continued sobbing like crazy.

"Ha! Jennie-ah, I told you it wasn't me who ate all the food!" Jisoo unnie yelled and Jennie unnie glared at her.

"But you wouldn't be close if the rumor never started" Jennie unnie tried to make her feel better.

Lisa calmed down a bit, "At least I was still able to greet him and have small talk. But now, all I can do is admire him from a distance"

I feel bad for her, it hurts to see her hurting, it makes my heart heavy. Jungkook is the first man she fell in love with romantically.

"I must look so funny" She chuckled bitterly. "I, Lalisa Manoban am trying to get over a man I didn't date!"

We all didn't know what to do with the drunk Lisa so we just let her shout her feelings.

I crawled near her and took her into my arms, hugging her while she cried her heart out.

"I need to forget and move on from a relationship that didn't even exist!"

If stuff like this would happen, we'd usually call the boys. But we can't do that because our manager keeps track of who we call. If we call someone, it appears on her phone, so if we contact them now, we'd get into big trouble.

"I feel stupid, I've only known him for a month and I've completely fallen"

"It's okay, just cry and say anything you want, you probably won't remember it anyway" Jisoo unnie said and we nodded.

"Where can I find another man like him? He has the voice of an angel, he dances well, and he's hot as fuck" She swore.

All of us were shocked, she doesn't swear often.

"I mean, who wouldn't want him as your own? He's also really sweet, kind and caring. Soooo handsome. And those abs!" She started giggling like an idiot.

"Alright, it's time for you to sleep" Jennie sighed and started keeping the bottles.

"She's right" I said and started helping her up but she refused.

"No, no, no need" She struggled to get up by herself and started walking to her room. "I will learn how to be a strong independent woman who doesn't need a ma-"

she fell.

"Lisa!" We all ran to her but she didn't move one bit.

We flipped her over and Jennie unnie checked her pulse. "She's fine, she's still alive" she stood up and was about to leave.

"Yah, unnie! We can carry Limario by ourselves" I whined. She sighed then came back. "I'll carry her long legs, you guys support her upper body"

Lisa, why do you have to have such long legs?


"I feel like a dick" Jungkook said and hit Jimin who was beside him. "I was rude to her the whole time"

"Why me?" Jimin cried in silence.

"You're the one who allowed him to drink this much, Chim" Namjoon shook his head.

When we got home, Jungkookie started drinking like there's no tomorrow. And now he's here, the most drunk he's ever been.

"I just want to kiss her again" He said shakily.

Yoongi looked at him, disgust written all over his face.

"Yah, Jungkookie, that's enough" I took the soju bottle from him.

"Ahhh, eomma Jin always looking after me" He hugged my stomach.

"You all should deal with him, I'm going to sleep" Yoongi said as he stood up.

"It's only seven pm, it's still early?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow.

"It's never too early to sleep" He left.

"Jungkookie, you should go to your roo- are you sleeping already?" Hobi asked while poking drunk Kookie's cheek.

"Tae, go get him a blanket" I said and Tae nodded.

He covered Jungkook in a blanket and placed a pillow under his head. "Goodnight, maknae" I patted his head.

But then he did something, and that's when we knew, he was really broken.

He grabbed Tae's hand, he must've thought Tae was Lisa.

"Lisa, don't leave"

Tae looked at me with a puzzled look. "Just let him be, let's hear what he has to say to Lisa"

"You're so sexy, Lisa"

"JUNGKOOKIE! WE NEVER TAUGHT YOU THIS!" I yelled in shock and crossed my arms.

Tae tried to pull his and away but Jungkook didn't let go. We saw a tear escape his closed eye. "I'm sorry I was rude to you, please stay with me, you don't know how bad I want to break the rule about not seeing you"

"Okay, I'll stay with you" Hobi said in the cringiest, highest and the worst female voice I've ever heard.

I smacked his arm. "I'll be going to my room now" Both Hobi and I said and left Kookie.

"Guys, help, he's not letting go of my hand"


sorry this chapter was quite cringy, but hey, when you're drunk, you are cringy. I promise that the next chap will be better

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