Chapter 9 ●Jeon Jungkook I'll kill You●

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"Okay, Lisa, please rap this part again and make it clearer. The one you did earlier was good but you seemed to mumble some words. Let's do it again" The music directed suggested and I nodded.

I rapped my last part smoothly and we were done.

"Okay, you two can go home now" Bang pd-nim clapped his hands. "Good job you two"

I bowed to the music director, "Kamsahamnida". Then to Bang pd-nim, "Kamsahamnida"

"It's a really good song. Both your fans will be ecstatic"

Did I mention that it was never announced that I will be featuring in his mixtape which will be released next week? That means that fans have no idea that I will be featuring in his song.

Be bowed one more time and exited the recording room. My phone buzzed and so did Yoongi oppa's.

'Chaeng: Bangtan are with us in our dorm'

I froze.


'Chipmunk Chaeng: Yes. Sorry, Jisoo unnie invited them over to play Mario Kart'

I looked at Yoongi oppa who was also looking at me. "Well, I guess we're off to your house"

"Oppa, Jungkook is there!" I said, putting both hands on my head.

"You're being dramatic" He sighed then continued walking.

"Your golden maknae is in our house! I used to like him, how should I act?" I said a little loudly causing people to look at us.

"Just pester him like you used to do. You're the royal maknae of Blackpink, you'll be fine" He said and got inside his car, followed by me. "To think I thought I could actually sleep in peace now. I'm really tired"

"Same" I sighed and leaned my head on the window, watching as small droplets of water started pouring from the sky.

We came in the studio at 10 AM, it's now 4 PM. 6 hours in the studio.

He parked his car in front of our car next to another one, I'm guessing that that's one of the boys' car.

"It's raining, I only have one small umbrella" I said as I grabbed my folding umbrella from my bag. "I'll go out first then I'll get you"

We both were able to not get soaked in the rain. "I don't think I want to go in" I whined.

"Lalisa, do you want to get wet?" He groaned, about to take his shoes off.

I stopped him, "The shoe rack is inside, you wouldn't want your shoes wet"

We went inside and I heard the sound of screaming.




I looked at Yoongi oppa who just sighed.

"WE'RE HERE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I entered the living room with Yoongi oppa behind me.

Jennie unnie was busy on her phone, unbothered by everything. Jisoo unnie, Jin oppa, and Jungkook were playing Mario Kart. Rose and Jimin unnie were talking about who knows what. I swear, I saw both of them blush. Namjoon, Hobi and V hyung were stuffing their faces with pizza while watching the three's game of Mario Kart.

"Ha! I told you I'll win!" Jungkook stood up and punched the air as a sign of victory.

"One more game!" Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie pleaded.

Jungkook shook his head then gave them his signature bunny smile. "Golden maknae declines the offer" He said sassily then sat on the couch next to the window which no one was sitting on surprisingly.

They finally noticed us.

I bowed. "Good afternoon"

"Annyeong, Lisa!" Tae oppa greeted happily.

Yoongi oppa didn't mind greeting, he just went straight to Jennie unnie and started a conversation with her.


He looked at me then at Jungkook, signaling me to go talk to him.

I sighed then approached him with a wide smile on my face.

It's okay, if you don't want to continue where we left off, we'll start again.

I sat beside him and crossed my legs, so I'm sitting Indian style. "Annyeong!" I greeted cheerfully like the little ball of energy that I am.

He looked at me with no expression on his face, "Annyeong" he murmured.

"Yah, are we seriously going to act rude to each other again?" I crossed my arms and pouted. He didn't reply, How rude. "Who do you think you are?" I rolled my eyes at his rude behaviour.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook of BTS"

"So what? I'm Lalisa Manoban of Blackpink" I smirked.

"Blackpink the rookie group?" He smirked, trying to make a comeback but I already had in mind what I was going to say.

"You mean the rookie group that broke records in their first year"

That made him shut up.

"Go and pester the others" He sighed.

"Nah, they find me annoying them cute, that's not what I want"

"Don't be so full of yourself" He rolled his eyes.

"You get really annoyed by me so that's why I'm annoying you" I clapped my hand like a seal.

"Lalisa, you're going to kill me" He shook his head.

"Says the one who killed thousands of ladies when he flashed his abs in performances" I mumbled under my breath, but I don't know if he heard.

"Yah! That was part of our choreography!" His face turned red in embarrassment. Yup, he heard it.

I laughed out loud, "Look at you, red as a tomato"

"I didn't even lift my shirt that high!" He defended.

I saved the video clip on my phone, you can clearly see how high you lifted your shirt, you rude creature.

He suddenly smirked at me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Say, Lisa, which clip did you save? The BBMA's one, the Inkigayo one?"

Please tell me I didn't say that out loud.

"You said that out loud" He laughed. "Just how obsessed are you with me?"

I hit his shoulder hardly, "Jeon Jungkook, I'm going to kill you!" I stood up then he followed.

Next thing everyone knows, we're running all over the house like little kids.

Maybe there is a chance for us to be as close as we were before.

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