Chapter 4 ●Kiss💋●

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"Are you ready?" Jennie unnie asked me.

To be honest, I'm not ready at all. I don't even want to go out there.


"LALISA!" Jennie unnie called me from the living room. I dragged myself out of bed and to the living room with my eyes still closed. Yes, I've just woken up from a nap.

"What is it, unnie?" My eyes slowly opened when I reached the living room. My eyes completely opened when I saw seven boys in the living room.

"Annyeong" Jimin oppa greeted.

"Excuse me" I said and dashed back in my room and looked in the mirror. I look like a person who just returned from the dead, except I was wearing decent clothing.

I combed my hair and made myself look presentable then went back to the living room where the boys and girls were.

I bowed. "I'm sorry, I went to fix myself, I wasn't expecting visitors" I stood up straight and put my hand behind my neck nervously. "But good afternoon"

They all stood up and bowed then sat down again. "So, uhm, what brings you here?" I asked, taking a seat beside Rose.

Yoongi oppa handed me his phone, "Look"

I gave him a puzzled look and took his phone, looking at the screen. My eyes immediately widened. "What the.."

It was a picture of Jungkook and I backstage during Inkigayo. He was holding my hand and I was looking up at him. It looked like he was pulled me in for a hug due to the angle.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked in disbelief then handed Yoongi oppa his phone back.

"So Yang sajangnim and Bang sajangnim talked" Namjoon oppa started. "You two are going to be on 'After School Club' tomorrow"


"Yoongi hyung and I will accompany Jungkook. Who'll accompany you?" Namjoon oppa asked.

All of us pointed at Jennie unnie. "Why me?" She asked.

"Because you have a strong attitude" Rose giggled.

"Alright" She agreed.

We finished talking about the matter and the boys left.

end of flashback

"Lisa!" Jennie unnie snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what was was that?"

"I asked you if you're ready" She repeated.

"Yes and no" I sighed and took a deep breath.

Jungkook, Namjoon oppa and Yoongie oppa approached us. "Come on, it's almost showtime" Namjoon oppa said.

"I can't do this, every tweet they will read will be hate and death threats" I said nervously, in the brink of breaking down.

Jennie unnie patted my back, "It's okay Lisa, you'll be fine, we'll be there with you, think positive"

A tear escaped my eye without permission. "Hey, it's okay" Namjoon oppa pulled me in for a hug, patting my back. "Don't think about the haters, okay? Just answer all the questions properly and make them understand" He pulled back then gripped my shoulders, looking straight at me. "Okay?"

I finally smiled and nodded, "Okay"

"Excuse me" A person knocked on the dressing room. "It's showtime"

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