Chapter 15 ●Hate●

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I punched the concrete wall once again with all my might, releasing my anger. I didn't feel any pain, all I felt was anger.

"Jungkook, stop it" V hyung pulled me away from the wall. "You injured your hand"

I didn't care if my hand hurt.

"She did it" I laughed bitterly. "She ruined everything"

"Why are all of you so loud?" Yoongi hyung who looked like he just woke up from a nap, marched down the stairs and joined all of us who were in the living room.

"Read the latest articles" Namjoon hyung said.

Yoongi hyung nodded and grabbed his phone. He cleared his throat before reading, "Red Velvet's Yeri and Bangtan Sonyeondan's Jungkook confirmed dating.." He stopped reading and looked at me before proceeding. "Yeri confirmed it on an interview after the Korean Music Awards"

"That's what you get for acting without thinking" He crossed his arms. "This is happening because of your recklessness"

"Hyung.." Hobi hyung tried to stop him.

"It's okay, hyung. I sighed" I sighed.

"You kissed Lisa and this happens? Oh my God, Jungkook, I thought you knew better than this"

My eyes widened at his statement. "How do you-"

"If you didn't know, Lisa sees me as an older brother figure. She told me"

All my members looked at me, probably disappointed.

"Do you have any idea of how she would be feeling once she finds out?" He scolded.

"Hyung.." I said nervously, debating whether I should tell him or not. "She already knows"

His calm expression turned into an angry one. "How could you?!" He raised his voice. "Yeri is one of her bestfriends, Jungkook. You should have told her you were dating Yeri right when you two have gotten close enough. But no, you let her feelings grow"


"Are you that dense, Jungkook?" Yoongi laughed bitterly.

Jin hyung placed a hand on Yoongi hyung's shoulder. "Yoongi, that's enough"

"I'm sorry" I apologized sincerely.

"Why are you saying that to me?" He asked. "I'm not the one who you gave sweet gestures to but was actually dating another girl"

"Jungkook" Namjoon hyung called my attention. "It'll be best if you don't talk to Lisa for awhile"

My heart dropped. It became a routine to talk to her daily.


"I know you're quite attached to her" Jimim hyung started, "But let her feelings die down a bit"

"Seeing you makes her heart ache, according to her" Yoongi hyung said.

"Is it really necessary for him to stop talking to her?" V hyung asked.

"Tae is right. Won't doing that hurt her more?" Jimin hyung agreed with V hyung. "She might hate him"

"At least her pain will only be temporary and she'll heal eventually. But if they stay close, she'll keep hurting and she doesn't deserve that"

"There are some fans who are crazy, Kookie. If they see you even breathing anywhere near Lisa, they'll conclude that you're 'cheating' on Yeri. Who gets the hate? Lisa does! And the fact that you two had a dating rumor before doesn't help at all"

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