Chapter 17 ●Home●

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"This is a joke, right?" Jin hyung said, still in shock.

They got disbanded because of my foolishness.

"You knew?" Namjoon hyung asked Yoongi hyung who just nodded.

I ran out of the living room then went upstairs to my room and slam the door shut. I leaned on my door and grabbed my phone. I called Rose and she answered after a while.


"I guess you heard the news" She sighed.

"Wh-why?" I asked.

"It was our decision, Jungkook, please don't blame sajangnim. We chose to disband. Fans were attacking us everywhere"

"Where are you all?"

"I'm back in Australia, Jennie and Jisoo unnie are still there in Korean, but back in their hometown. Lisa in in Thailand"

"When is she coming back?" I asked, hoping for a good answer.

"Jungkook" She started, "She's not coming back"

And that was enough to make me break down and cry.

"She's not coming back"



(A week before the news)

"Mom!" I screamed and ran to my mom who was in the kitchen, hugging her tightly.

"Lisa?!" She asked, surprised. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" She asked as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Awe, mom, don't cry" I pouted. "I'm not going back to Korea" I smiled sadly.

"Really? So you're going to stay with us again?" Mom asked with joy.

I giggled, "Yes, mom"

"Who sent you here?" She asked.

"Sajangnim sent bodyguards to send me since he was so concerned about my safety. Same goes to Chang, he sent bodyguards to keep her safe on her way to Australia"

"Honey" She frowned, "He disbanded your group, right? Why else would you come back and stay in Thailand"

I frowned thinking about my group, "No, mom. It was our decision, sajangnim was even shocked that we wanted to stop, maybe he understood the reason why"

"Tell me about the rumors, Lisa. And about that Jungkook guy"

I took a deep breath before spilling everything, "All fake, mom. Actually, Jungkook and I.. We were not in a relationship but we weren't just friends either-"

"You never told me you were dating one of the hottest men on the planet?!" She cut me off.

What the fuck, mom.

"Mom!" I said and shook my head making her laugh. "We weren't dating but we were definitely something"

I debated whether I should continue about Yeri or not. I don't want to worry her too much and I don't want her to think of Jungkook as a bad person.

"How about that Yeri girl?" She asked.

"I'll tell you some other time, I'm too tired to remember all the details" I chuckled and she nodded, meaning she understood that I didn't want to talk about it.

"Are you okay, sweetie? A lot has been going on with you in Korean"

"I'm fine, mom" I assured her. "I'm just happy to be home"

Am I really happy to be home? Most of me was happy to the moon to be home with no more drama, but there was a part which was still sad and gloomy. I had to leave behind people I love. I left Jennie unnie, Jisoo unnie, Rose, Bambam and Jungkook. And mostly, I couldn't do what I love anymore- rapping, dancing and singing.

I brushed my thoughts off and smiled, "So where's dad and the little brat?"

"Your dad is still at work and your sister is upstairs"

Yes, I do have a little sister. She's three years younger than me, I'm twenty and she's seventeen.

If you talk about blood, she's my half sister because of my stepdad. But who cares about blood, we grew up together and my stepdad raised us so I consider him an actual father.

(N: I know she's older now in their comeback but i need them to be a bit younger because of the time skips, I still want them young in a few years xD)

"AKARA! COME DOWN NOW!" My mother shouted.

Not long after, a girl walked down the stairs. Most of our features are similar, except she looks a bit Swiss because of my dad.

"KARAAA!" I ran to the young girl and engulfed her in a hug.

"Lalisa?" She asked, wide eyed. "What are you doing here?"

I let go of her and crossed my arms, "I see you after two years and this is how you greet me?"

"Shut up, drama queen" She chuckled then gave me a hug. "I missed you"

"Ew, go away brat, you hurt my feelings" I joked.

She let go, "Seriously though, why are you here?"

"I'll be staying with you guys again"

"Shut up" She said, clearly shocked. "Don't tell me.."

"Yes, we disbanded and no, it was not sajangnim's fault, it was our decision"

"Well, you could've at least told me you were coming. You see me after two years and I look disgusting"

"Kara, you always look disgusting"

"Kara, you always look disgusting" She mocked me in a squeaky, weird voice and rolled her eyes.

"I don't sound like that!"

"I'll get the table ready, your dad will be home soon" Mom said and we nodded.

She opened her phone to check the time and I noticed that her lock screen was Exo.

I smirked, "You know that I'm friends with all of them?"

"Shut up idol chic, I know. You featured in my bias's song" She referred to Baekhyun oppa's song which I rapped in. "I will marry my bias"

I fake gagged, "You know that he's like nine years older than you, right?"

"Let me dream, okay?" She rolled her eyes at me. "I bought like ten posters of BTS the other day" She smiled like a maniac.

Thinking of them makes me sad but I shouldn't let my sister know. It's my problem, not hers, I don't want to ruin her image about Bangtan.

"Is that what you've been doing with the allowance I've been sending you?"

She nodded with a wide smiled. "Jimin is a squishy little mochi that must be protected at all costs"

"You've met all the idols I idolize" She frowned.

I rolled my eyes at her statement, "That's because I am one, stupid"

"What if I audition for a company" She said.

My eyes widened at her words and I choked on my saliva. Being an idol is great and all but I don't want her to experience what I experienced.

"I'm joking, chill out, Lalisa" She laughed. "After seeing what you went through, being an idol is the last thing I want"

Maybe coming home isn't going to be so bad.

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