Chapter 13 ●Mistakes●

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This is going to be a short chapter since this is only going to show Jungkook's side of the last chapter. I promise i'll give u guys a longer chapter in the next one.

And please know that what happens in this story are not real or whatsoever. So don't hate Yeri or anyone else because she's such a cutie.



"You said that was the last time" I argued through the phone.

"I can't live without you" She cried. "My life won't have purpose without you"

"Yeri, please, stop it" I sighed.

"I'll kill myself if you leave me"

"We can live as friends like we used to. I just don't see you as anything more than a friend"

"I'll kill myself"

She was crying her heart out so I knew she was serious. I released a long sigh before talking, "Fine. Let's meet at the usual place" I said and hung up.

I brought myself into this mess. Yeri and I started off as good friends. We've gone on dates before but I've never seen her as anything more than a friend. And now, I won't be able to leave her because she'll break down and cry, telling me she'll kill herself. One time, I told her I never want to talk to her again and the next day, Irene noona told me that Yeri's been cutting herself.

What if I tell her that Lisa's coming over.

I grabbed my phone and texted Lisa.

'Me: What are you up to today?'

'Lisa: Just spending the day with Bambam'

'Me: Seriously, are you two dating or what?'

'Lisa: Pabo, we're childhood friends. How about you?'

'Me: I just finished dance practice so I'm pretty exhausted. Can you come over? I miss you'

'Lisa: Woah, what have you eaten?'

'Me: I had ramen for lunch, why?'

'Me: It's weird'

'Me: Ramen isn't weird'

'Lisa: Not the ramen, pabo, I mean you'

'Me: I'm an 'It'?'

'Lisa: You're a coconut, so yes'

'Me: Come over pleeeaaasseee :('

'Lisa: I caaan't'

'Me: Fine. Enjoy your day with Bambam'

Well, she's busy so I guess I'll have to deal with Yeri.

I got reader and grabbed my mask. "Hyung, I need to go somewhere"

"Yeri?" Yoongi hyung asked and I nodded.

"You're keeping her hopes up, stop tolerating her" Yoongi hyung shook his head.

"I don't want her to kill herself"

"Are you sure that dating her is the only way?" He put his newspaper down and walked towards me with his arms crossed.

"I can't think of any other way" I looked down.

"That's because you're not trying to look for another way" He said with disappointment clear in voice. "You're hurting someone else by doing this"


"Think about it Jungkook" With that, we went upstairs to his room.

Hurting someone else?

I left the house and since we only had three cars which were taken by all the members, I had to walk. I'm not complaining though.

I reached the place where Yeri and I were supposed to meet. I waited for a while until I saw her figure walking towards me.

She gave me a wide smile and started running towards me. She pulled me into a hug. However, I was just standing there, expressionless. Even a blind man could tell that I don't want to be here.

She released me and smiled, "Thank you for coming"

I forced a smile, I didn't care if it looked fake. "Yeah"

"Let's go bowling!" She clapped her hands. Before I could reply, she held my hand and dragged me to the bowling area.

We started playing and of course, I won effortlessly. She wanted to go to a cafe so I took her to the place where Bambam and I would usually go. She held my hand and walked in.

"Do you like Lisa unnie?" She asked out of nowhere.

My mind instantly wondered to Lisa. Her beautiful smile, her long hair, her kind personality. She's basically perfect.

Thinking about her made me smile widely. I ordered our drinks and we sat down.

I had this weird feeling as if someone was watching me.

I looked up to see someone who I was hoping wouldn't see me today.

It was Lisa. She looked at me sadly before running out the door.

Was she hurt? Oh God, I fucked up.

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