Chapter 2 ●Wallpaper●

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"Blackpink's comeback music video is out" Tae hyung said as he opened his laptop. The member set beside him waiting for him to play the music video.

how great can they be?

"Yah, Jungkookie, come here" Jin hyung called me.

"I can see from here, hyung"

"Suit yourself" Tae hyung said and pressed play. The song started and to my surprise, it was really good.

So this is why everyone is head over heels for those girls

The boys were dancing to the catchy beat like idiots, and I don't blame them. Lisa's rap came on and I couldn't help but notice what she was wearing.

why is she wearing a bra above her shirt?

The song finished and the boys played it once again.

"Wait let me call Lisa so we can congratulate her and her members" Jimin hyung said, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.

Why does he have her number?

"Why do you have her number?" Yoongi hyung asked suspiciously.

"We met last week in the idol event" He said and dialed her number, putting it on loud speaker. After a few rings, she answered it.

"Hello? Lisa speaking" Her voice answered.


"Jimin oppa?"


"Yes, that's me! Oh, and you're on speaker by the way, I'm with the rest of Bangtan"

"Really?" She said shyly. "Uhm, hello" She greeted shyly.


"Are your unnies there with you?" Jimin hyung asked.

"No, sorry, they went to do some work, I'm the only one here" She said.

"We just wanted to say congratulations on your new song, we just watched" Jin hyung said.

"We love your new song" Hobi hyung added.

"Really?!" She said with a lot of excitement. "I mean, really?" She said, a lot more calmly.

"We love it" Jimin hyung said.

"Thank you so much!" I could already imagine her smiling through the line. "Oppa, I'm so sorry but I need to go now. Thank you so much for listening to our song"

"It's okay, we just called to congratulate you. Bye!"

"Thank you so much, once again" She said before she finally hung up.


"So Jimin called you?" Jennie unnie asked as she grabbed a cerial box from the shelf and put it into the shopping cart.

After work, we decided to go grocery shopping since our groceries we ran out of food. Jisoo unnie and Rose are at home, I guess.

"So did you talk to Jeon Jungkook?" She teased.

"Oh please, why would I want to say a single word to that jerk" I rolled my eyes thinking about what happened a week ago when we met.

"What happened?" Jennie unnie chuckled. "Two weeks ago you had him as your phone wallpaper"

"Jennie unnie!" I groaned. "That was only for a year..."

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