Chapter 24 ●Truth●

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Apparently, shooting today was canceled because our director's wife had given birth and he needed to accompany her. I'm not complaining, I needed rest.

My unnies had told me that Jungkook took care of me yesterday when I had a high fever. I hope I didn't say anything weird since I'm not myself when I have a high fever. I'm feeling better now, which is good. 

I grabbed my phone and texted Jungkook.

'Me: Hey, my unnies told me that you took care of me while they weren't here. Thanks'

After seconds, he replied.

'Kookie: That was nothing. How you feeling, butterfly?'

Butterfly, huh?

'Me: A lot better'

'Kookie: I'll call you, one second'

Before I could respond, he had already called me. I accepted the call.

"Why'd you call?"

"Morning, butterfly" I heard him chuckle. "I just wanted to ask you about something"

"Ask away"

"Do you still hate me?"

I was taken aback by his question. "What's with the sudden question?"

"Yesterday you said some interesting stuff"

I mentally slammed my head on the wall. "What stuff?"

"About you wanting to avoid me"

"Wait.. That wasn't a dream?!"

"Listen, Lisa. I still haven't told you about someth-"

"My unnies are calling me. Jungkook, let's talk later, alright?" I said and hung up quickly.

I gave myself a pat on the back for the excuse I made.

I kind of feel bad for hanging up on him, but I'm not in the mood to talk about it.

I stood up from my bed and walked downstairs. I smiled when I saw Jennie unnie making pancakes. Her pancakes are the best. To my surprise, all my members were present. Usually, we all have busy schedules but all of us seem free at the moment.

They saw me and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Jisoo unnie asked as she placed the pancakes on the table.

"I feel better, unnie. Thank you" I said and sat down, devouring the pancakes she placed in front of me.

We all started earing while talking about random things. I went to the kitchen and fetched myself a glass of water. I sat back down and drank the water.
Chaeyoung cleared her throat, "You know, Yeri asked me if she could meet you"

I accidentally spit the water in my mouth in shock. Luckily, I was fast enough to turn side ways so no water went on the food or anyone.

Jennie unnie also choked on her pancake. She got a glass of water and drank from it. "What does that bitch want from our precious maknae?" Jennie unnie asked.

"Well, she has some guts" Jisoo unnie said as she out more maple syrup.

"She said she needs to talk to Lisa about something. She says it's really important" Chaeyoung said.

"What could be so important?" Jennie unnie asked.

"It's Jungkook" Chaeyoung handed me her phone so I can read what Yeri texted her.

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