Chapter 3 ●Rumors●

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"Lisa, calm down" Rose said for the twentieth time.

We just came from our dance practice for tomorrow and we found out that the rumor has spread.

"At least it's with Jungkook?" Jennie unnie asked more than said with a slight smile.

"That isn't helping" I hugged my knees.

"But you can't deny that Jungkook is very boyfriend material" Jisoo unnie said.

My phone buzzed, "It's probably another twitter page of some website" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone. "Bangtan Sonyeondan's Jungkook and Blackpink's Lisa are rumored to be dating as last night, people witnessed the two walking together late at night carrying a lot of groceries. Could the two have a secret family together since they has a lot of stuff" I read out loud. "Now this is just stupid"

I clicked on a person's twitter thread about me and read it out out, "Blackpink's Lisa could possibly be pregna- WHAT IS THIS?!"

Jennie unnie burst out laughing, "Just read it, I want to hear whatever stupid theory that girl has" she said while wiping her tears.

"Blackpink's Lisa could possibly be pregnant with Bts's Jungkook. Here is why. In their latest music video released just this morning, I noticed that Lisa's stomach has become much fuller- IS THIS GIRL CRAZY?!" I yelled in frustration.

"She's just doing that for attention, we've been dieting and exercising so much for that comeback, she doesn't know. You actually lost a lot of weight, Lisa. Now carry one" Rose said.

It's true, we did diet and exercise a lot for that comeback.

"Lisa's stomach has become much fuller. She's not fat, but compared to her a few months ago, i can tell that her stomach became fuller. And also, during the idol event just last week, I saw a video clip of Bts talking. And behind them, you could see Got7's Bambam offer Lisa wine, but Lisa rejected it. Pregnant women aren't allowed to consume alcohol"

"What is wrong with her?" Jennie shook her head. "Does she know that we're not allowed to drink?"

"This dating rumor is getting out of hand" Jisoo unnie said.

"I'll call Jimin"


"This dating rumor is getting really out of hand" Namjoon hyung put his phone down. "There's this one girl on Twitter who made a thread about Lisa being pregnant with your b-"

"Yes, hyung, I know, I've read that" I sighed.

"Lisa is getting a lot of hate" V hyung frowned.

"And yesterday was the day of their new song release" Jin hyung added.

Most of us are here talking about the dating rumor that spread in less than twenty-four hours. But Yoongi hyung is just sleeping on the couch.

Jimin hyung's phone started ringing. "It's Lisa, she probably wants to talk about the rumor" he said and answered his phone. "Hello, Lisa?... Yes, we're talking about it right now... Yes, Jungkook is here... You want to talk to him?"

I immediately tried to escape, but Jin hyung held me down to prevent me from leaving. Jimin hyung handed me the phone and I slowly placed it near my ear. "Hello?" I spoke slowly.


I immediately held the phone away from my ear. All the members heard it and tried their best not to laugh. "Yah, Lisa do you want me to become deaf?"

"The dating rumor has gone mad, see, I told you not to help me"

"Would you rather carry those until you reach your apartment? And that was night time. And Jin hyung nagged me to go help you!"

Jin hyung hit my shoulder.

"Yang sajangnim has already denied the rumor but it's still going" Lisa said.

oh dear.


"Are you kidding me?" She sounded really pissed. "I'm getting a lot of death threats here and all you're saying is 'so'? You know what, I don't even care anymore, I hate you" She hung up.

"What did she say?" Namjoon hyung said.

"She's receiving a lot of death threats" I sighed. Why is she getting all of the hate? I'm also included in this rumor.

"Must be tough for their group" V hyung stood up and got out.

"They're having their comeback stage next week, we're performing the same day as they are. Since there will probably be some paparazzi outside the venue, you can say that the rumor is false" Namjoon hyung suggested.

"That's good too"


A week has passed and we're having our comeback stage today. I'm super excited to perform this song for the first time on stage.

"Lisa unnie!" A very familiar voice called.

"Momo!" I smiled widely and hugged her.

"Congratulations on your comeback" Ah, Momo was a friend of mine since I was a trainee so we know each other pretty well.

"Thank you so much"

"About the dating rumor" She started.

oh no.

"It's false news, it's completely false. He was just helping me carry those groceries since I was alone and I don't even like that jerk" I rolled my eyes.

"But wasn't he your wallpaper fo-"

"Momo!" I felt my cheeks become hot.

"Gotta go, unnie, and look, your fake boyfriend is walking in this direction. Goodluck on your performance!" She waved goodbye.


I rolled my eyes and turned around, "What do you.." I was stopped when I faced him. I'm not gonna lie, he looked incredibly hot. He was in his blood sweet and tears outfit. "Want?" I finished my question.

"Done checking me out, buttercup?" His lips formed into a smirk.

I instantly felt heat on my cheeks.

"In my defense, I like bubbles better. And why would I check you out?" I hung my head low and tried to get away from him but he held my hand.

I THINK MY HEART JUST EXPLODED, I WILL SUE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK. I mean, I don' like him. In fact, I hate him.

"Congratulations, by the way, you did a really good job out there"

A slight smile crept on my lips. "Thank you" I said and started walking again but he didn't let go of my hand.

"And uhm.. Uh.. I, uhm.. I-I'm so-"

"YAH, JUNGKOOKIE, IT'S ALMOST OUT TURN, COME HERE!" Namjoon oppa shouted from a distance, interrupting what he was about to say.

"What were you about to say?" I asked.

"It's nothing. I have to go now" He released my hand and left. I watched as his figure disappeared from my sight.

Was he about to apologize?

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