20: Art genuis

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Today was the third Saturday since her arrangement with Lucas about spending more time with her son. Unlike all the previous Saturdays, Lucas had informed her the minute she arrived that he would be present during today's bonding time. Apparently he wasn't needed at the company and claimed to have nothing better to do, so she had let him tag along as far as he kept his distance. Freddie had been ecstatic with the news, barely standing still. And despite herself, Sara realized she was happy he was here.

The day started off with breakfast, because father and son were waiting for her to eat with them. Now they were sitting at the dining room, with Lucas at the head of the table and Sara and Freddie at his left and right side respectively. They were having fried yams, plantains and potatoes with egg sauce. A glass jug of fresh pineapple juice was in the middle of the table, with two glasses for each member containing juice and water respectively. After some minutes, Freddie sat up in his chair and moved his plate closer to Lucas's. Then he piled the fried yam pieces into his father's plates.

"I don't like too much yam in my food," he explained, smiling at her. She nodded, thinking of the times whenever they ate together, how Lucas would quickly dig his spoon into her food and scoop up her meat to eat. For a weird reason, he was not satisfied with his meal until they had argued over her piece of meat. She blinked away the mist in her gaze at the memory.

"Sara?" The man in her memories called, pulling back her to reality. She looked up to find Freddie's face trained on her in expectancy.

"What?" She asked, clearing her throat.

He gaped at her suspiciously before replying. "He said you can dump your excess unwanted yam pieces in my plate. Without my consent, of course." He scoffed, glaring at his son.

Mother and son burst out laughing at his tone. "Don't worry I won't. I can finish them, thankfully."

Freddie nodded and they continued eating. Turns out Freddie's ban from the kitchen had been lifted and all three of them scurried off to the kitchen to wash their hands. Sara waited for father and son to be done with washing before she did. But Lucas had something else in mind. Before she could say Jack Robinson, Freddie stuffed his hands on top of hers, causing a directed splash of water at her. She pulled away to find father and son grinning mischievously at their prank. Apparently Lucas had given his son the height boost.

"Lucas?!" She cried out in frustration watching the water splotch on her maroon gown.

He shrugged innocently. "What did I do? Hold him responsible. He did it," he denied hotly, pointing at Freddie who took off from the kitchen.

"I did it," he admitted giggling.

Lucas followed her quickly as she ran off to go find the culprit. It soon turned into a game of hide and seek, with she trying to catch her son and Lucas aiding and abetting him. They frustrated her efforts in playing tag which was pretty easy for him as he had played the game countless times with his son and was privy to the pattern. Eventually, she pulled out of the game to let father and son continue with hide and seek.

With nothing to do, she ventured around the house and found herself heading towards the Master's bedroom, alias Lucas's room. The one room in this house, apart from his study, she wasn't allowed to enter. Her curiosity to see inside died down after their design job was over, but instantly peaked the first Saturday she was here. And despite her precarious situation, she felt herself being pulled to go take a look. She tiptoed to the door and held the door knob. She pushed it but it wouldn't budge, letting her know quite sadly that it was locked. The idiot, she fumed turning away from the door, and then found herself wondering why she wanted to see inside the room. Simple curiosity, she told herself, perhaps she could get inspiration from the decor, as it would be top class since he had personally requested for another contractor to design his room, but she knew better. Curiosity was the last thing in her mind when she knew, undoubtedly, her interest in the man's life was beginning to wax strong.

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