28: Second chances?

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It wasn't until evening that Jules and Harmony returned from their fun day out. Jules, in such high spirits, decided to thank Sara for meeting the handsome billionaire again, or more importantly for requesting to see her son again. Who knew if they would have stumbled upon this fortune if she didn't have his son?

Three knocks later and Sara pulled open the door to find her neighbor already stepping into her apartment. Jules was all tales about the day they had, with tote bags that held the various things they had bought. Jules gave Harmony the tote bag they had bought for Sara to go drop on the dining table.

"Lucas is hot and generous! Really, he showed up at the cinema to take Freddie home and then the children cried about being hungry and we went food shopping. Then he asked me to buy a few stuffs I might need. And I thought, why don't I buy for you too since he's being nice to me because you're my friend?" Jules explained, digging into the burger she held.

She took a large bite to stare at Sara's swollen eyes before commenting. "Tell me you're not crying because he left you out of the cinema date? That would be hilarious."

Sara shook her head, reaching for the bag of chips Harmony held out to her. "No, but unfortunately our date at my apartment didn't go so well. It was horrible."

Jules cooed at her. "Cry baby. Tell me what happened."

Then she told Harmony to increase the volume of the cartoon so the adults could gist. The little girl happily obliged.

"What happened? I need explicit details," she prompted.

Sara scrunched up her nose. "We have a child here."

Jules eyed her daughter dismissively and sighed heavily. "Fine, but I need a recap of the juicy details right now. Start."

So Sara told her everything, from that morning to after he left. Jules was on the floor laughing her ass off when she was done. At least one person was having fun at her expense, Sara thought ironically watching her neighbor try to control her breath.

"You guys are funny. You fought over a piece of meat? How childish is he?" Jules asked in between laughs.

Sara smiled at the memory. "Well, he only acts like a spoilt child around me because according to him, I'm his complete opposite."

"Now it's obvious he likes you. And a lot. I can infer you like him a lot too. So, what's the problem here? Why are you so hesitant?"

Then Sara found herself telling Jules about her married life, about her doubts and fears as the older woman listened attentively. There was never a need to tell her before because they never talked about her pasts. Juliet had assumed Sara also had an abusive marriage that had sent her running like she did and had been skeptical about Lucas at first. To hear a cheating scandal had driven them apart explained the situation better to her and had her worries increasing.

"Will you give him another chance?" Jules asked after she was done talking. Jules was skeptical though. Cheating was a bad vice, no matter how you viewed it. The feeling of worthlessness it leaves on the victim never truly fades away. She was all for falling in love again, for Sara's sake, but not exactly with the very person that betrayed that love.

Sara sighed, stuffing chicken nuggets into her mouth. "I want to try again. I'm not sure I've healed already to even consider having another relationship but I can't continue being in pain. It's five years already. If he's going again, I should too, right?" She asked hopefully.

Jules nodded warily, reaching for a chicken nugget. Sara hit her hand, pushing the box away from her reach. "You said you bought this for me," she said by way of explanation.

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