25: Water boats

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Sara got a call two days later from her besotted suitor. There was no other word for what Lucas was aiming for with her. He told her to go casual as he was taking her out again today. Since it was a Wednesday, he asked her to leave early as he had a fun date for her in mind. She didn't know what possessed her to agree to it but it wasn't until she found her herself worrying extra about her look and watching the time trickle away while at work did she admit the thought of seeing him again made butterflies float around randomly in her belly.

She sighed and tapped her foot impatiently waiting for the time to move faster and for him to call her again. She supposed he would wait outside for her again but she needed the confirmation. When she got tired of waiting, she focused her thoughts on their previous date. He had asked about her trust issue but it wasn't a topic she was willing to discuss in a heartbeat. She had trusted blindly and was still reeling from the shock of having it broken. That she was eager to live life again didn't mean she'd give him her trust again. He didn't deserve it, at least not yet, and she didn't want to imagine he ever will.

The shrill ringing of her phone brought her out of her reverie harshly and her heartbeat increased when his caller ID popped up. Gingerly, she answered and was told to make an excuse to leave work early and come meet him downstairs. Swiftly, she gathered her stuff and arranged her desk. She stood up to go only to have Katie step up to her.

"Where are you going so early? You can't just leave," She intoned, her eyes filled with suspicion.

Sara stared at her with a upturned smile. "Really? Why not? I already took an excuse."

"What's the excuse? Do you have a family emergency?"

"Yes, actually. My mom needs me back home for an important family meeting. My sister has been getting into a lot of troubles lately. So, I really must leave now."

"But if you leave, I'll be forced to do your work."

"It's just two hours worth of work. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Flashing the girl a sweet smile, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the office. Katie was only being a pest by asking that question. Always looking for fresh gossip, she wanted to know where everyone went whenever they did. Since she didn't date Jeremy when he pursued her relentlessly, Katie had kept her eyes and ears peered open for any romantic inclinations on her part. Using her mother as an excuse was dumb, but her private life would not become office gossip, at least not this early.

She climbed down the rest of the stairs out of the buildings' front porch to find the famous Ford Explorer parked outside. Lucas, as usual, climbed out of the car to come greet her with his charming smile.

"I'm glad you took my advice and wore sandals. That way, I won't get blamed if you have leg cramps."

She smirked at him. "Well, you said to prepare to have fun and I did. I love being comfortable if we're going out to have fun. So, tell me, where are we going?"

"Aren't you a little impatient? Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

She nodded, climbing into the passenger seat and he closed the door. The perfect gentleman, she mused at that, watching as he rounded the car to climb in too. She pulled on her seatbelt just as he reached over to help her. He shook his head slightly amused at the wary look she glanced his way. He had kissed her two nights ago when he tried to help her with her seatbelt and hadn't earned the right to kiss her today yet.

"Based on how frequent you show up here, one could almost forget you have a billion-dollar company to run. How nonchalant." She pursed her lips.

He chuckled, watching her stuffed chin. "I'm pretty sure I have a manager for a reason. Besides, this is important to my cause."

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