41: Birthday Invitation

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Lucas walked into the exquisite mansion in Ikeja that was his family home late one week later. He reminisced growing up in this house, running around the house with his sister, Amanda and his cousin, Martin who lived a few houses down the street. He had only moved out to his bachelor pad when he made his first millions and then to the huge house in Lakeview estate when he got married. He was more than willing to give that house to his ex-wife when they got divorced as it held so much memory for him. Choosing to move in with his grandfather had been a desperate attempt as he couldn't imagine being in the same city as his ex-wife or her family. It was supposed to help him move on but obviously it hadn't, seeing that he was already in love with her.

He walked through the familiar hallways that led to the massive living room and paused when he saw his mother, Hailey, dressed in a blue and white patterned maxi gown coming from the direction of the kitchen. At 55, she still looked young for her age, but he supposed money helped to keep her looking ageless. She was studying a booklet she held and Lucas realized he knew what it was.

"Good evening, Mom." He greeted, bending to kiss her cheeks.

She smiled adorably at him, patting his back. "You're here, already. I wasn't expecting you till later." She winked at him already familiar with his pattern.

He sighed. "Well, I didn't have much things to do back at the office." Actually, he had spent the greater part of the day talking and laughing with Sara on the phone to even do any meaningful work.

"Which is perfect!" Exclaimed Hailey excitedly, as she linked her arms with his, pulling him along with her to the back of the house where the garden was located. "I need your help with this guest list. The birthday party is this weekend and nothing is ready."

He rolled his eyes at her. "I'm a petroleum engineer, mom, not an event manager."

"And I'm a fashion designer, but look at where we are," came the retort. "Frankly, it’s your fault we’re in this quandary because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut and proposed having the birthday party here. Now, you must bear the consequences of your actions," she stated, glaring at him over her shoulders.

In actual truth, Freddie had proposed the idea and since he couldn't say no to those adorable puppy eyes that was his resemblance, he had agreed. Now, he was bearing the brunt of being too lenient.

She exhaled before continuing. "I've decided to use our lawn instead of using the hall at the hotel. It's a family thing, not a public gathering and Aunt Collette will have my head if I host the party at the hotel. She thinks it's a place honoring evil deeds."

They both grimaced at the mention of Aunt Collette.

She was an 83 year old widow without a child. Her husband who was a lieutenant in the army had died within the first year of their marriage and she had dedicated her life in running the primary school her elder sister, Felicia who is now late, started. She retired 15 years ago and finally agreed to move into the family house Grandpa Fred had built for her. She was lonely for a while, having no one to boss around, and was quite a torture during family gatherings and Christmas holidays.

She was overjoyed when Fred came to stay with her ten years ago and was practically rolling over the rainbow when Lucas and his son, Freddie joined their grandfather. She fussed over Grandpa Fred greatly and would definitely take an axe to the party if they held it at the hotel than at their residence since they had convinced Fred to have his birthday party in Lagos instead of in Abuja where he was residing.

"Since we are having the party here, it won't be too much guests, just close family and friends," Hailey said and trailed off defeatedly. The Caspian-Asiegbus had a lot of family and friends.

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