31: Ghost of girlfriends past

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Sara didn't get to check her phone until later in the evening when she returned to her room. She had lunch with Yemisi and Daniel while Donald had made a hasty retreat to go find his supposed girlfriend. She had no doubts about that though, he wouldn't say it if it weren't true, however her uncertainties arose from Lucas's message. She didn't see him at all in the restaurant and couldn't help but wonder how the random lunch date went.

She called his phone earlier to inform him about the dinner reservation and he sounded distracted. She could even swear she heard a woman's laugh in the background, and since she didn't press him about it, he didn't mention it. But it wasn't until she was brushing her weave-on while getting ready for dinner did her mind connect the two independent events, reaching the horrible conclusion that he had made a lunch date with another woman and sent the message to her instead.

Her teeth clenched and her fingers curled sharply around the hair brush. Of course, she knew he was too good to be true. The saying of a leopard can never change its spots was turning out to be true in this case and she'd hate to be caught in the middle of it again.

The shrill ring of her phone pulled her away from her awful thoughts like a disapproving mother over an errant child. She answered to let Lucas know she'd be out soon. It was the prompt to get her busy with finishing touches on her makeup. She was going light on her contours and highlight, with a blush to give off a relaxed feel to her appearance. Her hair cascaded off her shoulders and down her back, framing her oval face and giving her the chic feeling she was hoping for. Her knee-length black sequin gown, which clung to her body, sparkled against the light showing off her curvy figure. She had paired it with nude stilettos and a black clutch. A touch of her ombre ruby red lipstick with a puff of her signature perfume and she was ready.

After another call followed by an impatient rapt at her door by her companion for the night, she finally opened the door and stepped out. She paused at the open door for a dramatic minute, forcing his eyes to take in her appearance and roam helplessly over her body. He could see but he couldn't touch, there was nothing more tempting than that.

"Shall we go?"

His eyes snapped back from her long legs and lower region to her face so suddenly it was a wonder he didn't break something. "You look absolutely gorgeous," he murmured.

I know, she wanted to say, but this was not the time for vain glory. "Thank you. You look handsome as always," she pointed out, taking in his black dinner suit which was missing a tie and was tailored perfectly to highlight his lean frame and accentuate his masculinity.

He smiled, barely taking his eyes off her. She stepped into the hallway and locked her door, slipping the key into her purse.

He stepped beside her and briefly toyed with the idea of placing his arm at her lower back but guilty conscience wouldn't stop pricking him. Sara noticed he was fidgeting and smirked. It was good he knew she was unto him.

"Sara, I want to apologise for this afternoon," he began with a whisper, fighting to get the right words out. Women tend to jump to conclusions faster if the word play was not handled properly. Scratch that, Sara was known for such behaviors. "I know I made a lunch reservation for us but something came up and I didn't bother following it up."

Her brows furrowed at the blatant lie. "You mean a woman came up?"

He winced sharply at the accusation dripping in her tone and at the thick tension circling between them. "It was coincidental, really. I met an old friend and we clicked and got carried away," he rattled off like a child facing off the firing squad that consisted of only his mother, or in this case, his ex-wife.

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