23: Let's try again

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In the morning, Sara was the first to wake up. Disoriented for a minute, she allowed her eyes to rest letting her mind and brain interact to bring her memory up to date. She opened her eyes as she remembered falling asleep with Freddie in Lucas bed, so she turned to view the occupant of the bed and was surprised to find Lucas snoring lightly next to her. He had his arm draped around her waist, effectively trapping her body to his. She wasn't too alarmed, realizing he probably returned late at night and rearranged the sleeping positions. She let her eyes wander dreamily over his handsome features.

He was always gorgeous all his life, that it had earned him an award on entertainment chart for two consecutive years as the most handsome and eligible bachelor of the year. That was before they got married. Apparently, the award brought him too much unwanted attention and he had declined it the third year.

He had a deep sculptured oval face with sharp aquiline features. His brows, like his neatly trimmed curly hair, were thick and dark, and perfectly streamlined to accentuate his pointed nose and almond shaped eyes. His pupils were characteristically hazel brown which was a rare feature in this country considering that he was mixed blood. The light tip at the edge of his nose gave way for his full sensuous lips that did numerous things to her senses when they captured her lips in a kiss. His strong chiseled jaw held a week old stubble, his characteristic look which she always found sexy. His chocolate dark skin helped to highlight his features and with a perfectly sculptured body to boot, no wonder he was a playboy.

She had loved this playboy very much, Sara thought sadly, watching the long lashes that fanned his cheek. He had swept her off her feet, shown her what love was and then had taken it all away as fast as he had given it to her. That had killed her, broken her terribly and separated her from her son. She would be a fool to allow him into her heart or give him the power to break her heart again, at least what's left of it. Slowly, she moved her body to climb out of bed, only to have his hold on her waist tighten. Her eyes flew up and her heart missed a beat at the hawk-like gaze watching her as though she was a prey.

"Good morning, beautiful," he hummed, blinking away sleep from his eyes.

She blushed at his endearment, looking away for a second. "Good morning," she repeated.

"Did you sleep well?"

"When did you get back?"

They both asked simultaneously.

"Late." Was the reply. "The party went longer than I expected. But it was a good thing seeing that Martin pulled a surprise on me. Turns out he and Judy are back in Lagos for good."

Her mouth formed into an O, remembering her best friend Judy and her midnight lover. Those had been wonderful times, she reflected.

"He said he and Judy would be celebrating their five years anniversary sometime in July and we're invited."

She nodded but frowned. "July is five months away. It's uncertain." She trailed off, hoping he caught her meaning.

He did. "Let's not think about that right now. When that time comes, we'll see what happens."

She was still in doubt. "But my situation with my son is still delicate despite everything..."

"And you're still very beautiful despite everything," he murmured, his eyes settled on her lips.

She swallowed hard, finding it quite hard to breathe suddenly. She knew it was a bad idea to have fallen asleep on his bed. She needed to get away from him, she thought frantically, struggling quite futilely to move away but he wasn't having any of it. Quickly, he tilted his head towards hers. He sat up on the bed and using his right hand cupped her face. Slowly, he let his hands pull her up and his lips captured hers in a kiss, barely giving her time to think or even react. His mouth covered hers, pulling her into the wave of pleasure. She kissed him back with the same fervor despite herself, even as his tongue pushed past her lips into her mouth, fighting for dominance. Easily, she gave him what he sought, allowing him to lead the way. He adjusted on the bed quickly pulling her to sit on his waist, straddling him. Then the fire brimming between them erupted.

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