36: CEOs and drunken brawls

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It has been exactly three weeks since that disastrous Calabar weekend and Lucas had been so caught up in work he barely had time to think about his relationship or his personal life. Following the production of the revolutionary lubricants line he introduced, his father, Eric Caspian-Asiegbu and the board of directors at CAPPEL had reviewed that a major share in the tourism sector was the next big thing. Citing his success on being the biggest supporter of the annual Polo tournament in Abuja, they believed same could be done in Lagos and he was, literally, the man for the job.

Two weeks ago, bidding for the project in partnership with the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Darkle was done and the project was awarded to CAPPEL due to Mr. Archibong's help. And even though he and the pot bellied man were partners on the hospitality arm, the polo resort was an individual project which meant Mr. Archibong would not gain much in monetary terms and hence would not find the arrangement funny. He, as expected, did not and had retaliated in kind by stealing a shopping mall bid from right under their noses.

Asides, things were at a standstill in his personal life. He hadn't spoken or seen Sara since that morning. She was being careful to keep out of his way, it seemed. Of course, she met with her son every Saturday like agreed and Freddie would not stop gushing about how much fun he always had whenever she visited. He hated hearing about her, or that she was happy in her life while loneliness was trying very successfully to drown him. He hated thinking or remembering her.

It was obvious he missed her terribly with the rate his thoughts always drifted to their times together. He didn't even comprehend why she was the only woman that made him feel things. She made him feel so alive it overshadowed their five year separation. And the more he missed her, the more he burrowed into his work to erase the thoughts plaguing him, rarely having time for himself and consequently, less time for his son.

Today was a very busy day at the office though. He had closed the deal with Mr. McHale, his South African partner on the polo resort in Victoria Island and construction was bound to start off next week if all things were in place. The building of the polo resort was estimated to last for a period of eight weeks, give or take a week, and that meant middle of June. The rains would be well underway by the end of construction, the right moment for the growth of the lawn. If delays were encountered, the rains could affect, or possibly destroy the resort. Which ultimately meant losing money. He knew he had to put all hands at deck and not be distracted by personal issues so they wouldn't lose money. Not like he had allowed it five years ago.

He had just finished reviewing the quotation for the concrete materials Mr. McHale sent him over the weekend for the new project, when a knock sounded on his door. He looked up instantaneously to find his cousin, Martin dressed in white polo and black jeans which he paired with a leather brown jacket, white converses and dark shades. If Lucas didn't know better, he'd think him a bachelor.

"Yo, man. What's up?!" He heralded, spraying him arms out and made a spin on his toes which caused a smile to flicker on the billionaire's lips. He seemed be in a jovial mood, Lucas thought. Well, he was always happy. Nothing ever seemed to get him down.

"Is there a particular reason why you are wearing a leather jacket in this weather?"

"Yes, because it's time for me to go live my life."

He raised his brows in suspicion. "Aren't you supposed to be working on marketing strategies for the new products?"

Martin removed his shades and grinned. "Nope, I don't have work to do."

Lucas sighed, agreeing that marketing was not that much workload especially since he has people doing the actual work for him. "I pity your subordinates."

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