Acquaintance Date

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It was about time for Thanksgiving break so all my classes were in full test mode. I had study guides up to my knees and the thought of flash cards made me sick. Midterms were here and I was not ready for it. Not in the least.

I sit in the library like I do most days now and take a table to myself. I organize all of my classes on the table and try to cram everything in my brain. Although I'm here for baseball, I'm still here for school too. I planned on getting a degree and being known for by brain as well as my talents. I've had only one B in my entire life and I don't plan on ever getting another one. So that's why I'm here instead of in the cages or asleep in my room like I wished to be doing.

I spend a solid four straight hours studying before taking a quick break. I lay my head on my book bag and try to get my head to stop throbbing after shoving all that information in it.

"If you wanted to nap you should have stayed in your room, it's way too loud here" someone jokes and I look up. I see Kehlani standing over me with a bunch of stories in her arms.

"Sorry not everyone can just not worry about midterms because they're geniuses like you" I laugh.

"I'm not a genius. But if you think I put in a lot of time hating everyone I put in more effort to make sure I'm surrounded with enough knowledge to protect myself" she claims.

"What did you pick up" I ask pointing to the books.

"The classics. Pride and Predujice, The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mocking Bird" she lists off.

"Wow, no wonder you're so negative" I shake my head.

"Not everyone gets their happily ever afters" she claims.

"What would be your happily ever after" I wonder.

"Don't have one" she shrugs.

"You can't think of one time where you have a happy ending" I ask her.

"Nope" she claims.

"I don't believe you" I insist.

"I don't care" she smirks as she sits down across from me. "What are you working on" she wonders.

"Everything" I admit.

"Anything I can help with" she asks and I stare at her. "What" she questions.

"You're being nice to me... why are you being nice to me" I ask.

"It's a slow day" she shrugs.

"Well I was just about to take a break before you graced me with your presence, so I think I want to buy you some lunch now" I say.

"Wow. I'm nice to you for one minute and now you're buying me lunch" she teases.

"I'm in some deep shit... aren't I" I ask and she smirks at me.

"What are you in the mood for" she's asks.

"Honestly... I could use some Mexican food" I admit and she smiles.

"I love Mexican food" she agrees.

"Look at that. Maybe we're not as different as you think" I tease.

"Yeah. Maybe not" she smiles.

We find a little Mexican restaurant on campus and go there. We sit down and look over the menu. I've never been here before because it wasn't on our dietary list but one meal isn't going to kill me. At least coach not knowing that I skipped one meal won't.

"What looks good" she wonders.

"Honestly everything" I admit.

"I kinda want the fajitas" she says with a Spanish accent and I smile.

"Say fajitas again" I tease.

"Stop" she laughs. 

"No! Please. It was really cute and I love your accent" I insist as she rolls her eyes.

"Fajitas" she says slowly and I smile.

"I think that sounds good" I joke and she shakes her head.

We order our food and sip on our drinks as we wait. I catch her staring out the window and I had to ask.

"What are you looking at?"

She turns to me and lets out a long sigh.

"Nothing" she insists.

"It's never nothing with you" I insist and she laughs dryly.

"Its just... I've never been good with my feelings, I have so many of them they all feel like nothing eventually. That nothingness feeling scares me" she admits.

"Maybe you should get friends you can talk to" I tell her.

"What do other people know about my problems" she questions.

"Only as much as you tell them" I insist.

"Listening and understanding are two different concepts. Anyone can listen but no one understands" she explains.

"I want to understand" I claim.

"I don't think you do. Because understanding means you've felt my pain. You've cried my tears and broke your heart. And I know you haven't had it easy but you haven't walked in my shoes either" she says.

"Why are you so against me helping you" I question.

"Don't take it personal baseball boy, in my world everyone is treated equal" she smirks.

"Lucky me" I mumble as she laughs at my expense.

Eventually we get our food and she immediately loosens up. They say the best way into someone's heart is through the stomach and I think that's true.

"Oh that looks good" she says eyeballing my plate.

"You want some" I offer.

"You know, me and my sister used to order two different things on purpose. Then we would l divide the plate in half then switch so we each got some of each other's food" she tells me and I smile.

"You want to do that" I ask.

"That would be cool" she admits.

We divide our plates before switching some things around. I got some of her fajitas and she got some of my burritos. And I have to say, they we're both really good.

"I like this. We have to go on some more acquaintance dates" I insist.

"Is that what you're calling it" she asks.

"I know you don't like labels. And you won't call anyone your friend so yeah, that's what I'm calling it" I laugh.

"I have to admit this wasn't terrible. But I would still rather be by myself reading" she claims.

"Suuuure" I tease and she smiles.

I pay for our food before we head out. I walk her back to her door before peeling off.

"Good luck with the midterms" she says.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it..."

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