I Promise

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After Kehlani ran into her dad she decided to stay inside her house for a little. Just until she feels like he was gone from whatever reason he was here for. I honestly couldn't blame her for not wanting to leave the house so I wanted to make her feel as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. So we end up watching Disney movies cuddled up on the couch like the good old times. My parents were out with some of their friends and my brother went back to college to train.

So it was just her and I for a few hours, we had all the junk food we could find and a bunch of movies lined up. As long as my dad doesn't know I was doing nothing and not sticking to my diet it was okay. He might be my dad but he was a rough dude. He took baseball very seriously and that included my nutrition and exercise. But what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

In the middle of watching the new Karate Kid move I reach over the side of the couch and grab something. I wrap it up in my hand before turning to Kehlani.

"Open your hand" I tell her as she just looks at me weird.

"Why" she asks.

"Just do it" I insist.

She picks up her hand and places it in front of her face before she opens it up. I place the surprise gift in it before closing her hand back up so she won't see it as she just stares at me. Slowly she opens her hand and looks into it to see what I had given her. She lets out a gasp as a diamond ring sat in her hand. And not a cheap one either.


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"Kris... what is this" she asks softly.

"It's a promise ring" I explain and a smile comes up on her face. She studies it for a little bit longer before turning back to me.

"Why did you get me this" she asks as she holds it up.

"Because I want you to have a reminder that no matter what I love you. No matter where we are or what we're going though, I'm going to love you.

That ring is a promise from me to you. I promise to never be that guy you are afraid of. I promise to protect you with all of my might, and not from things that already happened, but from things that have yet to happen. And I promise to hold you when those things that already happened start to hurt again. I promise to always put you before baseball and never let the pressure exceed the pleasure. I promise to always remind you that you are the most intelligent person I've ever met and never let that fact keep me from helping you continuing your dream of art. And most of all, I promise to love you unconditionally.

If you decide to wear that ring it means that we've been through hell and back and we're going to keep going. I am more than willing to give my all to you, and I hope you would do the same for me" I insist.

Without a word she places the ring on her left ring finger. She shows it off to me and I smile.  It looked really great on her left hand, I have to admit.

"What made you get me this" she questions.

"I've never been in a serious relationship like this before. I've had a girlfriends before, but it was more of a casual type of thing. With you bringing you home this summer I knew I wanted to do something that assures you that I'm in it for the long run. I mean you're quickly becoming a part of my family as our future and I knew you were going to be the one that would be. My family loves you and I love you more than anything in this world. So my mom suggested getting you this. She even helped me pick out the ring" I explain.

"Well it's beautiful and I love it. I've never had something that means so much, thank you" she says before pulling me down into a kiss. I slowly kiss her back trying my best to remember this moment for a very very long time.

We finish up the movie and start another one before my parents return. We had disposed of the candy wrappers and Kehlani made some zucchini chips so we did have something healthy. My mom starts to cook dinner in the kitchen which draws Lani away from me. This summer she had been learning recipes from the master cooker herself. My mom loved it because she had two boys who had no interest in her cooking and Lani loved it because it was mother daughter time she had been deprived of for over a decade now. So every time my mom was in the kitchen then so was Kehlani.

And as for today I decide to join them as they prepared dinner. Being a athlete I never really had time to learn to cook or to even cook itself. But my dad was at little league practice since he still coached and I didn't want to watch TV alone. So naturally I gravitate to the two most important girls in my life. 

"I see Kris finally got the balls to give you that ring" my mom mentions to Lani as she points to her hand with a egg before cracking it. Kehlani smiles at the ring as she looks at it again.

"Did he have it for a while" she wonders.

"Since the beginning of summer" she replies and I start to pout.

"Moooom" I whine. She didn't need to know that.

"Oh hush it. Obviously everything turned out fine" she assures me.

"Yes. So it would be greatly appreciated if we could leave it at that" I beg.

"Fine. I'll let it go. Until that's a engagement ring at least" she claims and Lanis eyes get really big. She nearly choked on her water as she takes another drink to help.

"Mom" I shun.

"Alright! I'll stop" she promises.

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