Admit It

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Very few things in this world truly excites me. But my sister finally coming out to hang out with me in Cali and it was the best thing that's happened to me since I got accepted to the University of San Diego my senior year of high school. I haven't seen her since the middle of the summer before I moved out here and this is the longest we've ever been apart. But she stayed home in New York and continued working while I came out here for a education. And with the holidays coming up she's decide she could come and hang out with her annoying little sister for a while. I can show her what my life is like around here and she can give me a hard time about it in person.

She gets into town early this Thursday morning and I pick her up from the airport. I take her back to my room and get her settled in since Samantha had left a while ago to be home with her own family. And now I have what's left of mine with me.

"So where's your boyfriend" she questions and I roll my eyes. I need to stop rolling my eyes so much. They're going to get stuck up there one of these times.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's barley even my friend" I insist. I don't know why he means to me but I know what he's not. And he's defiantly not my boyfriend.

"You guys are friends" she squeals and I just shake my head. Now I remember part of the reason I moved far away.

"I guess that's one way of putting it" I shrug.

"Why are you down playing this? This is so huge" she claims.

"Is it now" I tease.

"Come on, you know it is. And I'm dying to meet him" she claims.

"Fine! Fine. I can see if he's free and wants to accompany us on the tour of the school" I say and she claps her hands together.

I shoot Kris a text asking if he can come hang out with me and my sister and he tells me he's free. I ask him to meet me at the library since the campus was pretty much centered around it. So my sister and I wait outside as Kris walks over to us.

"Wow" my sister says as she lets out a wolf whistle. A smile comes up on her face as her eyes get big. "Look at that man right there" she says and I laugh.

"Sissy, that's Kris" I say and she sharply turns to me. She hits my arm and I let out a huff. I really didn't miss that. Like at all.

"Lani what the hell is wrong with you? That is the worlds most beautiful man and he's crazy about you and you won't let him in" she asks.

"I'm not letting him because he's pretty and because he thinks I'm pretty. That's pretty shallow don't you think" I ask.

"I don't care if that guy is the devil. If I was you I would be allll over that" she claims.

"Ew" I laugh.

Eventually Kris joins us and I introduce them.

"I've heard so many great things about you" Kris says as he pulls my sister into a hug.

"I can say the same to you" my sister claims.

"Really? Doesn't sound like Lani" Kris jokes and I punch his side. He just rubs it as he smiles down at me knowing that he was messing with me and that it was working.

We show my sister around campus and have a good time. More fun than I ever thought I would with Kris being here. But he hit it off with my sister and she kept giving me the "kiss him won't you" eyes.

Eventually he had to go back to his dorm to finish up studying for the last of his classes and I decide to take my sister out for a lunch. We went to that really nice Mexican restaurant I loved and order some food. The whole time my sister smiling at me like a idiot.

"Would you quit with that face? It's unattractive" I claim as I throw some rice her direction.

"You're going to fall in love with him" she claims and I scoff.

"That's a bold prediction" I accuse.

"Not really. You already love him. You just got to admit it" she shrugs.

"Did you come here to patronize me" I ask.

"No. I came her to make sure that when I left you, I left you in good hands. And those hands just so happen to belong to the most beautiful man I have ever seen" she sighs.

"Watch it" I warn and she raised a eyebrow at me. My face turns bright red as I realized that I just threatened my sister for complimenting him.

"Is someone being protective" she asks and I scoff.

"I'm not being protective" I defend as I advert my eyes to my food.

"Then what do you call that" she asks.

"It's just... he's a good guy. Not some object that's here for everyone to look at" I claim.

"You're being defensive" she accuses.

"I'm...." I start but I stop. "I'm in deep shit" I mumble and she laughs.

"Having feelings doesn't mean you're in deep shit" she claims.

"For me it kind of does" I admit.

"You care about me and I'm still here for you" she reminds me.

"You were not put on this earth to leave me" I defend.

"Kris might not either, if you ever gave him half the chance maybe you could figure it out" she claims.

"A chance to break my heart? A chance to be told that I'm not good enough? A chance to tell me that I'm his everything but then become a nothing to him within days? I can't go through that again, I just can't" I insist.

"You're stronger this time. You're a brave young girl who knows way too much for her own good. But you're smart, you will know what to do when the time comes" she insists.

"And I'm doing it" I say.

"You're not stronger than love. You'll figure that out. Your anger and hatred, it won't be enough to cover up the fact that you love that boy" she explains.

"I don't love him" I assure her.

"Are you telling me that, or yourself" she asks.

"Both" I admit and she laughs.

"Come on. I want to look at all your tests like a proud parent and put some of them up on the fridge" she claims and I laugh.

"I like the sound of that."

Cold Hearted (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now