Thunder Showers

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After midterms everyone returns to home from the short Thanksgiving break and go about their lives as usual. Professors take no time throwing us back to into classes and before you know it you're knee deep in work again. The first semester ends in a few weeks but apparently the teachers simply do not care.

After a early class I quickly head back to my dorm room. It was pouring down rain and all I had was a jacket to protect me and my books, but mostly my books. At this point the books were more expensive than anything else I owned so I had to make sure they were safe first and foremost.

As I round the corner to my dorm I see Kehlani standing outside her dorm building. She had no umbrella or jacket or anything to shelter her as she stood there pressing the buzzer a bunch of times. Her bag on her back complete soaked as she tried her hardest to get inside and out of the rain. I try to leave her be but I never can, so I run over and put my jacket over her to try and help aid her from the rain making me soaked in the process.

"What in the world are you doing out here" I ask a bit loudly, trying to get her to hear me over the rain as it pounded on the concrete below us.

"I left my keys in my room this morning when I rushed to my class and my roommate was supposed to let me in once she got done with her classes but she's not answering" she explains.

"Then why don't you come back to my place until it stops raining and dry off a little" I offer.

"No way" she insists.

"Come on Lani. I'm not trying to get you back to my place to mess around with you, I just want you to be safe. It's pouring and you'll get sick if you stay out here and your stuff is getting all wet" I say.

"I don't need your help Kris" she claims.

"You kind of do" I insist.

She gives the buzzer button a rest before she turns to me. She looked like she had storms in her eyes kind of like the one happening outside. She looked... scared.

"Why must you insist on being in my life" she questions.

"Why are you so damn stubborn" I counter.

"I asked first" she claims.

"I'm getting soaked and I don't have time to play 20 questions with you out here. I'm going inside where it's safe and dry, are you coming with me or not" I ask.

She stares at me before there's a clap of thunder. She jumps closer to me before wrapping her fingers in my drenched shirt. She looks around to make sure it's safe before she looks back into my eyes. She lets go of me but still stays under my jacket I was holding above us.

"Please let your guard down for a hour or two... forget everything you know just for a little and let me help you" I beg. It was cold and wet and she had no sense in being left outside right now.

"Fine" she mumbles and I sigh. I wrap my arm around her and she grabs the other side of my jacket. We walk over to my dorm and I let us in. I take her up to my room and see my roommate was still gone. Thankfully for us.

We get inside and I set my things down. I see Kehlani look around and try to refamilairize herself with my place.

"I'm sorry if it's a little messy, I try to keep it clean but I live with a football player, it isn't exactly the easiest thing to do" I explain.

"It's okay. Your place is pretty nice" she claims.

"Would you like a change of clothes" I wonder.

"Got a fresh bra lying around" she smirks and I laugh.

"I don't. But I have some shorts and t-shirt you could wear. At least it's dry" I smile.

"I would like that" she admits.

She follows me into my room and she sits herself on my bed. I find some clothes for her and hand them over. She stands up off my bed before suddenly taking her shirt off. Her hair sticks to her perfect silk skin as she tosses her wet shirt to the side. Her skin glistens with the dim lights and the water on the surface. I shamelessly check her out as she rolls her eyes.

"Come on... you've seen me naked before" she reminds me.

"That doesn't make you any less beautiful right now" I admit and she shakes her head. I can see a quick smile before she turns around. She finishes changing before setting her clothes to the side. I too change and we head out to the living room. She looks out the window and watches as it continues to pour.

"So what were you going to do once you got home" I wonder.

"Well for one was to take a shower so I guess that's done" she laughs. "But I don't know what I would do after that. I hate storms so I was probably going to take a nap so I don't have to listen to it" she shrugs.

"Why do you hate storms" I wonder.

"I always have. The only thing that would calm me down was my dad holding on to me. So ever since he left I was alone in my fighting my fear of storms. And they win every time" she claims.

"Do you want me to hold you" I ask and she laughs.

"You wish" she scoffs.

"I just want to make you happy" I insist.

"Being alone makes me happy" she claims.

"Nothing makes you happy because you won't let it" I tell her.

"It's better this way" she claims.

"Better for who" I ask.

She stares out the window as a strike of lightning hits. Not too long after that was a clap of thunder and I see her jump.

"Come here" I insist.

"I'm good" she claims.

"You're not and you know it" I tell her.

I walk over and stand right behind her. I pull her into my chest before I wrap my arms around her back. I could feel how tense she was as I held her in my arms. Suddenly she nuzzles her face into my chest as her body presses against mine. She finally wraps her arms around me as she pulls me tight.

She might be mean at times, but her want to be loved was much louder. At first she was a mystery to me, but she's as clear as day now.

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