Christmas Miracle

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After all of my family gets into our house Christmas was underway. We were filled Wall to Wall with love and loud jokes. A lot of "Where do you think you'll get drafted" and "can you help me meet a-rod" even though I haven't played in one college game yet. But I enjoy the rare time I have with my entire family.

"So did you find yourself a nice girl" my grandpa teases and I laugh. We were sitting on the couch catching a basketball game while everyone else bragged about what they've done since we've seen each other last. I wasn't the bragging type so I joking my grandpa in some basketball.

"She's not exactly the nicest" I admit.

"Does she like baseball" he asks.

"Not really. But she understands it better than anyone. She's had a rough life and a lot of her pain she aim at baseball. But she knows her stuff, she know mechanics and stats and records, she knows it all" I explain.

"She sounds interesting. I would love to meet her sometime" he insists.

"It's gonna be a while" I assure him.

"She makes you work for it huh" he wonders and I laugh.

"She makes me beg and break down and yell" I admit.

"Yeah. Sounds like you have a real good one" he claims and I laugh.

"So I keep hearing" I mumble.

After everything settled down for a little I sneak out to call Kehlani and wish her a merry Christmas.  She gave me her number when we had to be partners for the projects but we talked every so often since then. Mostly just joking around so we didn't feel so lonely on that huge campus. And I know she wasn't all that into the holidays but no one can resist the Christmas spirit. So I figured I would give her a call and check up on her to make sure she was doing okay being by herself on Christmas and all.

"What's up baseball boy" she answers and I laugh into the phone I was holding up to my face.

"Well merry Christmas to you too" I reply.

"What are you up to? Obviously nothing too interesting if you're calling me" she claims.

"I was spending some time with my family but I decided to call you so you could bring my spirits down I guess" I tease.

"Well then you called the right person, for my heart's about as cold a New York this time a year" she insists.

"I wish you would stop putting yourself down. You're actually a pretty great person" I claim.

"I don't know about that" she argues.

"I do. No matter how cold hearted you claim you are, I know that deep down you're a kind hearted girl who thinks I'm cute" I tease.

"I always thought you were cute" she assures me.

"Is it the eyes" I tease.

"Maybe" she claims and I just know she was smirking behind her phone.

"I don't know how you do it... but you drive me wild" I admit.

"I don't know how you do it... always come back" she claims.

"I know a great thing when I see it. And I see it in you" I admit.

"Damn. You must really like me" she insists and I laugh a little.

"To put it in the simplest way possible. Yes" I admit.

"You're not too bad yourself" she claims and I smile.

"Wow. She's being nice to me. It's a Christmas miracle" I tease.

"Consider it a Christmas present" she says.

"I'll take it any way I can have it" I insist.

We talk for a little while longer before she hangs up on me so I would go hang out with my family. So I go back to the couch where everyone had gathered and we watch the rest of the game. I see my grandpa look over at me every so often and I finally ask.

"What" I ask.

"You love that girl don't you" he asks and I can feel the heat rise on my face.

"What girl" I ask.

"The one you just got off the phone with" he accuses.

"Kehlani? I don't love her" I defend.

"You're face is bright red and you look like you just won the college World Series. That's love my boy" he accuses.

"I can't love her" I defend.

"And that doesn't mean you don't. It just means you shouldn't" he reminds me.

"I just... I don't know. It's so messed up. She means a lot to me and she's not giving me a lot to work with. I can only imagine what it would be like if we were actually together. I would probably be one of those guys who buys her flowers every day and sends cheesy texts just to make her smile. I would bring her to all my family functions and show her off like a World Series trophy" I ramble.

"Because you love her" he corrects and I smile big.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

After the game was done we all sit around or near the dinner table and eat our food. I sit at the kids table and have my cousin sneak me a extra pie when my dad wasn't looking. He might not be my coach anymore but he still monitors everything I do like he is. So I quickly scarf down a apple pie and head up to my room to let my thanksgiving belly subside.

When I get up there I see another piece of pie sitting on my end table and I look at questionably. I see a notecard next to it and read it.

"Dear son,

I am so proud of you. I know it was just the first semester of college but you're doing great. Keep up the good work and don't forget to treat yourself every once in a while.

Love, dad."

I just had to laugh because of how ironic this situation was. And of course I ate my third piece of pie that night. It was Christmas after all.

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