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As the season goes along my family decided to come out for a weekend to watch me play. My whole life my dad had been my biggest fan. He helped coach me and raised me to be the best player and the best person I could possibly be. He was my hero, the ultimate family man and the best coach I could have ever asked for. And my mom, she was my biggest supporter. She always made sure I got straight A's and that I was handling myself in the proper way. Always came to my games to watch and cheered extra loud for me. Even my brother made it out after a long year of doing nothing at college.

After they get into town and settled in I show them around. They haven't been here since they helped me move in so it's been a while. And after I show them all the good stuff we end up back at my dorm.

"So where is the girl" my mom finally asks and I roll my eyes. She has not stopped asking about her since I started school here and I'm surprised it took her this long to say something.

"She's in class. You know she hasn't missed a day of school since fourth grade" I tell her.

"Oh great. So she's more of a nerd than you are" my brother jokes.

"Yeah. And she knows more about baseball than all of us... except for maybe Dad" I insist.

"Now I'm intrigued" my dad smirks.

"Well you're going to have to wait because she won't be done for another few hours" I explain.

"I feel like you made this girl up" my brother claims. "Every time we try to meet her something comes up. We haven't even seen a picture of her. Are you cat fishing us" he asks.

"We're at a college. It would be more weird if she wasn't in class" I insist.

"You aren't" he reminds me.

"Did you come just to be a pain in my side? Because if so you're doing an amazing job" I insist.

"No. But it is a nice bonus" he shrugs.

After my brother leaves me the hell alone we find a place to sit down and eat. There was plenty of places on campus to pick from but we end up at my favorite little deli. We enjoy a nice time and I catch them up on my life since I saw them last.

"Okay. Now can we meet her" my mom asks as she gives the waiter the check.

"You mean his imaginary girlfriend" my brother teases.

"She's not my girlfriend" I mumble. All I needed was him and his big mouth to slip up.

"Dang. You made her up and still can't get her" he teases and I give him a glare.

"At least he's trying to find someone" my mom shuns and I smile.

"I can make someone up too if you would like" he offers and I punch his arm pretty hard.

"Ow god. Don't do that" he threatens.

"Then shut your pie hole" I warn.

I text Kehlani to make sure she was still up for meeting my family and she says she was. So I tell her to meet me at her spot in the garden she always goes to and she agrees to it. I figured if we met in a spot where she lived to be then it would be more comfortable for her. So I take my family there and we find a bench to sit on. We wait there and just enjoy the view from here.

"Wow. This campus is pretty great" my mom sighs.

"It is. And I see the prettiest thing it has to offer" I smile as Kehlani makes her way over.

"Is she behind that hot girl" my brother asks trying to look at what I'm looking at.

"It is the hot girl" I spit and his eyes go big.

"No way" he insists.

"That's her" I say.

"There is no way that is her" he insists.

"Hey Kris" Kehlani greets as she approaches me. I pull her into my hug as I just smirk at my brother. He shakes his head as we break apart and I hold her close to me.

"Hey Lani. How were your classes today" I wonder.

"They were good. I'm so far ahead that I just doodle in class now" she giggles.

"Well that's good. Are you ready to meet my family" I wonder.

"Well they can't be worse than you" she teases.

"I don't know. My brother is being impossible today" I claim.

"Am not" he argues.

"Are so" I say.

"You must be Nick" Kehlani says introducing herself. She defiantly doesn't need me, never has and never will.

"And you're not fake" my brother notices and she raises her eyebrow at me.

"Please excuse him. Nothing is technically wrong with him... he's just stupid" I say as he sends me a glare.

"Oh! Me next" my mom cheers and I smile. She's been dying to meet Kehlani and I was dying for her to meet her too. For obvious reasons and to get her off my back about meeting her.

"Mom this is Kehlani. Lani, this is my mother Sue" I introduce.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you. Kris has so many good things about you" my mom insists.

"Same to you. The way he explained you reminded me of my own mother, and I mean that in the best way possible" Kehlani insists.

"Where is your mom" my mother asks and my face drops. Shit. I totally forgot to tell her.

"She passed away when I was ten" Kehlani explains and my mom gasps.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry" my mom whispers.

"It's okay. I like to think about her. She was a incredible woman and I just want to make her proud" she explains.

"Well I think she would be proud of what you've become. From what I heard you are a incredible girl. And I heard you like art" my mom says and she smiles.

"I love it. It wasn't until I saw Kris chasing his dream that I thought I could. But I love creating art and being able to do something that I love" Kehlani explains.

"And I heard you're a baseball nerd" my dad says joining in the conversation and she laughs. I warned her about him and his baseball obsession.

"Kehlani this is my father Mike. He's a baseball enthusiast" I explain.

"I know a thing or two" Kehlani smirks.

"Do you mind if I test you" my dad asks.

"I love tests" she claims. That she does.

"Who played on the first World Series" he asks.

"Pittsburg and Boston. It was a nine game series and Boston won" she answers fairly quickly and my dad grows a smile on his face.

"Alright. Who owns the longest record of playing in consecutive games" he wonders.

"Cal Ripken Jr and he played in 2,632 straight games over the span of sixteen years" she answers and my dad full on smiles.

"Okay. One last question. Who holds the record for the longest homer in ever" my dad questions.

"Mickey Mantel. 565 feet" she smiles.

"I like her, can we keep her" my dad asks and I laugh.

"I'm working on it."

Cold Hearted (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now