Birthday Present

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I don't believe in relationships. I think they're forced and have too many unwritten rules and aren't ever worth all the problems they cause. No one can be a hundred percent loyal or a hundred percent truthful and that's supposed to make the relationship tainted. We expect way too much out of other people. We want relationships just to show them off, for other people to be as much of a part of your relationship as you and your partner. We make them what we want them to be but not what they're supposed to be.

But Kris and I are starting to build up... dare I say... a relationship. What that relationship is... I'm not really sure. Sometimes it's physical, sometimes it's mental. Sometimes it's tiring, sometimes it's beautiful. Sometimes I think he's a good friend and other times I think I might love him. I don't know... it's a mess honestly but most things are with me, I shouldn't be surprised.

And today happens to be his birthday. School was about to start up again and people are trickling back into campus from home. After New Years I locked myself in my room but I figured I should get Kris something nice considering he has put in a effort to put up with me. I know it's not easy, being a part of my life. Trust me, I'm well aware of the problems I cause. That's why I usually try to send people away so they don't get involved. But something about Kris always brings him back and that kinda makes me happy.

So I wrap up my gift the best I can and head over to his place to give it to him. I buzz up and he lets me in. I walk straight into his dorm room without knocking and sit myself on his couch.

"This is the best birthday present ever" he says and I laugh.

"I haven't given it to you yet" I remind him.

"I was talking about you" he claims and I just shake my head.

"Take your stupid gift" I say handing it to him so he would stop being so darn adorable.

"You didn't have to give me anything" he insists.

"I don't gotta wipe my ass either" I tease as he just rolls his eyes at my response. I hand him the bag but I stop him by grabbing his wrist. "Wait! Open the card first" I demand.

"Alright" he smiles and I carefully take my hand away for he enjoyed that a little too much. He grabs the card from his bag and opens it up.

I watch carefully as he read it. I didn't want to buy him a card because they were all so cheesy or lovey dovey or a really bad dad joke. So I decided to make one of my own.

On the front was a drawing I did late one night. It was of the Las Vegas sign and it said "Happy Birthday Kris" on it. I drew him as a cartoon character under it holding up a bat. That insane smile still on his face along with those killer eyes.

"My goodness, did you make this" he asks.

"Yeah. My mom was a artist, and a damn good one too. If I got my sports genes from my dad then I got my artistic ones from her" I explain.

"Why in the world are you here for biology? You should do art" he claims.

"There's no future for me in art" I defend.

"There defiantly is. This... this is incredible" he says pointing to the card and I involuntarily smile. Always do when it comes to him.

"That's nothing. It's me not wanting to get you a card but still wanting it to be special" I shrug.

"It is special. It's so special" he insists. "I know you want to be serious about everything, but if you love to draw and you're good at it, then you should do it."

"This isn't baseball. I can't just do it because I love it and because I'm good at it" I argue.

"Lani, you can do whatever it is you put your mind to. If you put less effort in saying no and more into saying yes then you would be the best artist on this campus" he claims.

"Thank you for having faith in me. But it's just not going to happen" I say.

"Well can you at least keep drawing for me? Because I love this" he insists.

"I think I can make a exception for you" I admit. I always do.

"I'm okay with that" he smiles.

He reads the inside before setting the card on his night stand by his bed. Finally he digs into the bag and takes out the stuffing paper. He pulls out his present and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"What is this" he wonders.

"It's a care package of a bunch of your favorite things. There's every Disney movie in there because I know you love them. But they're in action movie cases so your roommate won't judge you" I explain and he laughs. I thought that was a good one. "Then there's a bunch of popcorn and candy in there because I know you'll just work it off later. There's a few Gatorade bottles and some nike socks for practice. And that" I say as he picks up the Dodgers baseball cap. "That's a Jackie Robinson signed hat" I say and he gasps.

"What!? I can't take this from you. This is extremely valuable" he says trying to hand it back.

"The value in that hat has been lost now. I used to wear it all the time, it was my most prized possession. Now it's just a reminder of what could of been. But with you being the baseball guy now I figured you would want the hat" I explain.

"This is the coolest thing anyone has ever give to me" he claims.

"I figured you would enjoy that. A lot of history in it" I say.

"From this to the card to the care package, I love it all. Thank you Kehlani" he smiles.

"Anything for the birthday boy" I smirk. He pulls me into a hug and I don't hug back immediately. But eventually I relax and wrap my arms around him. I close my eyes as I try to hide my feelings, but there was no denying them. I felt something for this man and no matter how hard I fight it, no matter how much I try to deny it, they were there. And they were strong.

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