A Chance Encounter

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"It was my first day of college. I was a bright eyed 18 year old boy just trying to not get ran over by the upperclassmen. I might be tall but I'm pretty kind so I usually get walked all over then apologize for it afterwards. I never was good with social situations like this. But I was making my way around campus pretty well even though I didn't know it that well. I knew the general area of where I need to be but after that it gets a little confusing. I was just hoping that I don't completely screw this up on my first day of college.

I get to the main part of campus and that's when I knew is was screwed. I would ask for directions but everyone else seemed just as confused as I did or would probably just ignore my pleads for help. So I keep walking until I get to somewhere that looked correct. I should have really been paying attention during the campus tour but I just wanted to know where all the good food was.

I stand outside of the building trying to see if it said "biology" or "science" or something that would get me to where I needed to be. I think I was in the right place, but I wanted to be sure. All I needed was to end up in a engineering class or something when I'm supposed to be in Bio 101.

And as I stand in the middle of nowhere trying to get somewhere... anywhere... that's when I saw her. The girl I was sure that was the one for me. I didn't know anything about her, not even her name, but I knew enough. She was drop dead beautiful, there was no other way to put it. She had a bunch of pre-med and biology books in her arms so I figured that we were in the same class. She oozed confidence which is hard to find in a freshman girl, or any girl at that. So I decide to walk up to her figuring that I would introduce myself and we could start something up. Maybe sit together and figure things out together.

But little did I know that girl already hated me. Haven't even said a word to her but what she went through in these 17 hard years before we met made it so she hated me. And I mean she despised my guts. And me not knowing this I still went up to talk to her even though she had already made up her mind. But I was too far in, she was a mystery to me and I wanted to solve her. No matter what she said to me I knew that deep down she wanted to figure me out too.

I remember going into that class and sitting down at the front. I had my dads lucky glove with me because I was so nervous and he told me it was his good luck charm so it could be mine. I remember turning around a bunch of times just to look at this girl. She was so focused on the task at hand, her intelligence seeping off of her making me that more attracted to her. Finally she caught me staring and she just smiles at my lame attempt to look at her. But I couldn't help it.

Then the class passes and I head back to my dorm room. She was headed in the same direction as I was and I figured it was fate. She figured I was just following her. But I just wanted to get to know her. Know her name and where she's from. Who she wanted to be.

I never expected that chance encounter to turn into something like what we have now. If you told me that day that she was going to fall in love with me and I am planning to spend the rest of my life with her I would have laughed in your face. But that afternoon I watched her from window. She sat her desk and studied all night that night. And I've never been the same."

"What's got you thinking" Kehlani asks as she appears beside me. She hip bumps me causing me to break my stare from the building where her and I first met all those days ago. Those memories disappear as I think to the now.

"That a year ago in this moment our paths crossed right over there. You shot me down five times in about two hours and I fell hopelessly in love with you along the way. And now look at us" I insist.

"Can we not think about that? I was such an ass to you" she groans.

"You were hurting. And you were afraid of me, that's not your fault" I insist.

"Still. I want to focus on the times where we loved each other" she claims.

"We always loved each other. One of us was just way more accepting of it than the other" I tease.

"It was me" she jokes.

"It was not you" I argue.

"It was too" she smirks.

"Was not" I say as I start to tickle her. She giggles loudly as I wrap my arms around her so she can't wiggle away. "Where are you going" I joke.

"Somewhere where you can't tickle me" she claims.

"I'm going wherever you're going. Always" I say. She plays with the promise ring on her finger as she smiles up at me.

"You promise" she asks.

"I promise."

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