Sounds Like a Plan

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"Are you guys together yet" my sister whines over the phone as I try to adjust it so it won't fall.

"Nope" I tell her.

"What? Why not" she asks.

"Because we can never be together. We've been over this" I remind her.

"God you're so impossible" she grumbles.

"Thanks" I reply.

"Mark my words. You two are meant to be together" she claims.

"The only thing inevitable here is that if I let my guards down I am going to get ran over. Repeatedly. With two ton boulders" I claim.

"You are so over dramatic" she accuses.

"Says the woman who claims that I'm going to end up with a baseball player" I defend.

"When are you going to learn that that doesn't matter? Love doesn't give a shit what color you are, what you do or where you're going. It only depends on attraction and care and respect and trust. I know you guys have that and so much more covered up in your messed up idea of a relationship. You're just blinded by too much pain and anger to see anything but red. If you would just look at where you are and how you got there you would see how much that guy means to you. How much you guys have been through in the almost seven months you've known each other.

I love you Kay, so much. You're my most favorite person in the world and you always will be. But I can't be the only person in your life. I don't gotta raise you anymore, you're all grown up. I can't tell you what you're feeling, you have to figure it out all for yourself. If you don't at least admit to your feelings I promise you're going to feel just as bad as you would feel if you were to openly love him and have him break your heart" she insists.

"How do you know that" I ask.

"Because fighting for love is just as hard as fighting against it" she says.

I let out a long breath as I lay down in bed. I close my eyes as I try to think some things out.

"You know, I told him about what happened in New York" I tell her.

"You mean..." she trails off.

"Yeah. I told him everything. He even offered for me to come stay at his home over the summer so I didn't have to come back" I say.

"Let me guess. You said no" she accuses.

"I said I'll think about it" I explain.

"So no" she counters.

"I don't know! I mean... I just don't know" I say softly.

"I can't tell you how to live your life. Only you are the maker of your own future. But if I was you, I would be all over that. Maybe a summer in the heat will be good for you. You can meet some good wholesome people and spread your wings" she insists.

"And what if I fall" I wonder.

"Then he'll catch you" she explains and I sigh.

"You know. I called to say happy Valentine's Day, not to get my life wrecked by my sister" I admit.

"I'm not here to wreck your life" she defends.

"But you don't hate it either" I insist.

"You are correct" she laughs. "And happy Valentine's Day to you too."

After taking for a little while longer she lets me go. I continue to lay on my bed as I contemplate what to do today. There was no way I was going to walk around, too many happy couples out there that'll ruin my bad mood. So I lay on my bed and chill there for a little. I listen to some instrumental music and count how many tiles were on my ceiling.

My phone starts to ring again and I figure it was my sister calling back to shun me some more. But I look on the screen and see that it was Kris.

"Hey, what's up" I wonder.

"I have something for you" he claims and I raise a eyebrow.

"For what" I question.

"For Valentine's Day" he says.

"Why did you do that" I ask and he laughs.

"My god you're impossible, can you just come and get your gift" he asks.

"I don't want to leave" I pout.

"I'm outside your door" he explains.

I reluctantly get up off my comfy bed and answer my door. I see Kris there with a pretty big teddy bear and a bag and I couldn't help but smile.

"What is this for" I question.

"For one of my favorite people on one of my favorite holidays" he claims.

"Valentine's Day is a scam" I insist.

"You know, you are such a ray of sunshine. The light of my life really" he jokes.

"You don't need sunshine if you yourself are the sun" I remind him.

"Awww that was really sweet" he coos and I roll my eyes. This guys was impossible to break, I swear it.

He hands me the bag and I look at him skeptically. He encourages me to open it and I do it in part so he can stop harassing me about it.

I take the stuffing paper out of the bag and dig in there. I find a big sweatshirt and couldn't help but smile. I love big sweatshirts. I pick it up and I can tell he sprayed his cologne on there which made it a thousand times better. I just couldn't tell him that.

"It's one of mine. I notice you always pick that one out when you come over so I figured you would use it more than I ever would" he explains.

"That's very sweet of you Kris" I smile.

"Look in the pocket" he says.

I open up the hoodie pocket and look in there. I find a envelope sitting there and I pull it out. Inside was two tickets to the art museum here in town and I let a small gasp pass my lips.

"Oh my god" I say softly.

"I know you've never been, but I figured you would want to" he shrugs.

"Kris... this is incredible. Thank you so much" I whisper.

"The catch is I get to come with" he says and I laugh.

"What does the baseball boy want to do in a art museum" I question.

"See my favorite piece of art in action" he smirks and I start to blush. That's new.

"You can come only if you promise not to say cheesy stuff like that" I insist.

"Can I write it down so when you finally admit that you like me I can read them to you" he questions.

"No" I laugh.

"Please" he begs.

"Fine" I mumble and he smiles big.

"Great. Sounds like a... plan."

Cold Hearted (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now